Once the top surface is removed, the open bay area is available for cable management. If you did not order
the optional retractile extension power cord with your order, rout both the laptop wall power cord and the
laptop DC power cord through the side opening as shown. Leave enough length on the laptop DC cable so
that it will reach the laptop power port when the laptop is placed on top of the Cart for use. If the optional
Retractile Power Cord was ordered, plug the laptop power cord into the retractile power cord.
We recommend that you use the cable strain relieve included to fasten the wall power cord to the Cart as
shown below. It is also recommended that you take the time to gather the excess cable length and use the
supplied ty-wraps for proper cable management as shown below.
Without Optional Power Cord With 24-0154, Retractile Power Cord
Depending on your laptop, you may want to rout the laptop DC power cable out the rear of the Cart and
not the side position. If so, remove the rear cover plate and discard. The cable can simply pass through the
opening at the rear of the Top Assembly and then plug into the laptop. See routing option below.