8. Frequently Asked Questions
Why won’t the motor start?
1. Make sure the motor is properly aligned and the coupling is level,
sitting flat on the base. A misaligned coupling will cause motor to
operate slowly or not at all.
2. Insert the magnetic key firmly into the hole until it clicks and is snug. Turn
knob to neutral / off position for at least 3 seconds before turning on.
Why has power shut down?
1. Assure the Magnetic Safety Key is fully inserted; remove, inspect for
debris and replace it.
2. Disconnect battery cable from the motor, inspect for debris and
reconnect. Assure the connector is securely attached to the motor.
3. Assure the battery is sufficiently charged. How long has the motor run
since last charge? Connect spare battery, if available.
4. Lower lever to raise prop and inspect for weeds or other
For safety, the motor turns off for each of the above conditions. After
checking each, test operation by turning the power dial to the “off”
position for at least 3 seconds before attempting to operate.
What prop should I use?
Flex Drive
E props have two blades and match 12 or 24V battery voltages.
Use the JK
5" Pitch 24V Prop (marked '9 x 5')
with 24V batteries. Use the
10" Pitch Pedal / 12V Prop
(marked with '10 x 10')
with 12V batteries
pedal drive.
It is ok to use either prop for pedaling / trolling. Pedal
performance will be better using the 10”
Pitch Pedal / 12V P
How fast will my boat go?
Your boat’s hull shape, waterline length, load, weather, tides and other
factors will affect your speed. (See chart on page 9)
How much runtime per battery charge?
Runtime depends on the battery and throttle setting. See chart on
page 9.
How long will the battery pack last?
Our recommended K2 lithium batteries have a lifetime of at least 2000
charge/discharge cycles before capacity dimishes significantly.
Do the batteries require special care?
For K2 lithium batteries, store in a cool dry place out of sunlight and
extreme temperatures, and air-dry before storage.