Plasma 70 S
Operating Manual
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3. Brief description
The Plasma Cutting Unit 70 S has been developed using the robust thyristor-control
It excells in multipurpose application for manual cutting operations.
Its operating priciple is characterized by the following:
Infinitely variable cutting current from 25 - 70 A.
Optimum tuning of the cutting current in accordance with cutting speed, thickness and
specific properties of the material.
Accurate control of cutting current.
Once the cutting current has been set it remains
constant independant to fluctuations in line voltage, plasma arc length and material
thickness, which means good reproducibility of the cutting current values.
Compressed air serving as plasma gas and cooling medium for the plasma torch.
A filter pressure reducer comined with a semiautomatic water separator are standard
equipment of this unit. The water trap automatically empties itself when the air system
lacks of pressure.
The filtered, pressure-controlled air expands in the plasma torch and serves, for one thing,
as plasma gas and, for another, as a cooling medium for the torch body which is exposed
to high thermic load.
The central socket to connect the plasma torch
permits quick interchanging of the
plasma torches intended for either high or low cutting current load.
HF-ignited pilot arc.
A pilot arc which is initiated by a high-frequency spark starter
ensures reliable ignition of the cutting arc even on lacquered workpieces. In addition, this
appliance is suited for automatic cutting processes.
Automatic cutting process
via control board
Safety cut-out.
In the event of a pilot-arc failure, the current source switches off after
approx. 2 seconds to protect the operator from a build-up of no-load voltage.