NOTE: The alarm will continue to alert until the cable has dried out, please ensure the cable is
wiped clean after being wet, as any liquid left to dry on to the cable could reduce the
effectiveness of the sensor.
NOTE: When laying the sensor cable please ensure that no part of the cable comes into contact
with another part of the cable, and that no part of the sensor cable comes into contact
with metal surfaces, as this may trigger the alarm.
Dry Contact Cable
The dry contact cable can be used to monitor any device with a normally open / closed
contact or high / low alarm output. Connect the dry contact cable to the relevant equipment
(fire panel, air conditioning unit etc) according to the manufacturers instructions, and
configure the correct alarm setting for a ‘normal’ state via the interSeptor browser interface.
Smoke Detector
The relevant alarm should be configured in the browser (through the EMD-1 or EMD-2 setup
screens) to be “Normal Open”. When smoke is detected an audible alarm will sound and the
interSeptor will be activated.
Please refer to the smoke detector manual for correct installation.
Airflow Detector
Airflow sensors can be used to provide early warning of air conditioner fan failure. The sensor
must be positioned correctly and within the airflow for several minutes to give a correct signal.
The volt free circuit is Normal Open and will close when there is low or no airflow detected.
The sensor has two glands on top of the unit, these glands both need to be facing the airflow
and the airflow needs to pass over the sensor (not be directed at the unit).
Disclaimer :
Please note that the interSeptor and its sensors are only intended for monitoring environments
and should only be used for that purpose. The interSeptor and its sensors should not be used in
safety-critical applications or relied upon as human safety devices.
Jacarta Ltd
Wagon Yard, London Road
Marlborough, Wiltshire SN8 1LH
United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1672 511125