The Jabsco Quiet-Flush Toilet does not require routine main-
tenance other than occasional cleaning to main tain a
hy gien ic sanitary condition. Clean toilet with mild non-abrasive
cleaners without strong aromatics. Clean ers having
high concentrations of aromatics such as pine scented
concentrated cleaners and strongly scented degreaser
concentrates can cause the pump’s seal to swell and may
contribute to a pre ma ture seal leak.
The toilet has no wearing parts that need periodic replace-
ment other than the shaft seal which, under normal condi-
tions, should provide several years of service before need-
ing replacement. The seal only requires replacement if
signs of leakage are noticed under the seal housing posi-
tioned between the motor and toilet base assembly.
NOTICE: Before performing any service, turn off the elec-
trical power to the toilet and rinse water pump. Take pre -
cau tion to ensure it is not turned on until the ser vice is com-
plete. Also, pump all water from the toilet bowl and if con-
nected to an overboard dis charge, close the dis charge
To replace the shaft seal, snap off the white motor cover
and remove the pump assembly by removing the four
screws with lock washers that secure it to the toilet base.
Carefully slide the pump assembly from the base en sur ing
the mac er a tor housing also slides out of the base with the
pump. The pump chopper will en gage the mac er a tor hous-
ing and it may be nec es sary to gently tap the chopper
against the macerator housing to free it from the base.
Prevent the motor shaft from turning by inserting a screw-
driver in the shaft slot at the rear of the motor and unscrew
the nut retaining the chopper blade. Re move the chopper and
macerator housing from the motor shaft. Remove the O-ring
from the O-ring groove around the outer diameter of the
seal hous ing. With an allen wrench, loosen the cen trif u gal
impeller set screw and slide the impeller off the shaft.
Remove the two screws that secure the seal housing to the
motor and slide the housing off the motor shaft. Remove the
two seal washers from under the head of each of the two seal
housing retainer screws. With a pair of needle nose pliers,
grasp the shaft seal and pull it from the seal hous ing. Clean
all parts and inspect for dam age.
Lubricate the OD of the new seal with a small amount of
water and press it into the seal bore with the seal’s lip facing
the threaded end of the shaft. Do not use the stainless steel
star retaining washer sup plied with the seal. Lubricate the
ID of the seal and the motor shaft with a small amount of
water resistant grease. Ensure the slinger is properly posi-
tioned on the motor shaft next to the motor and slide the
seal housing onto the motor shaft until it is against the
motor end bell. Position a new plastic seal washer under
the head of each of the flat head seal housing retainer
screws and secure the seal hous ing to the motor. Slide the
cen trif u gal impeller on the motor shaft positioning it about
1/32" (1 mm) from the seal hous ing and secure it to the
shaft with the set screw. Rotate the impeller to ensure it
does not rub on the seal housing.
Slide the macerator housing over the motor shaft, position
the SS chopper blade on the end of the shaft, then place
the nut on shaft and tighten, holding the shaft slot at the
rear of the motor. Position a new O-ring in the seal hous ing
O-ring groove (it may be retained in the groove with a small
amount of grease). Slide the pump assembly into the toilet
base ensuring the macerator housing is prop er ly po si -
tioned within the base. The cut-out in the side of the mac-
erator housing must align with the dis charge port in the
base (the mac er a tor housing is keyed so it will only go in
when properly po si tioned). En sur ing the O-ring is still prop-
erly po si tioned in the O-ring groove in the seal housing,
place the pump assembly against the base and secure it in
place with the four screws and lock washers. Replace the
white motor cover by snapping it down over the pump
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