The JA-152E Wireless access module with RFID
Connection of an external door detector
The access module has an input terminal for external door
detector connection. The input (IN) reacts to disconnection from the
common ground. The reaction of this input is always delayed, and
is linked to the keypad address. The input has a status reaction.
According to the settings, the keypad can be completely woken up
by triggering the external detector.
Caution: this type of waking up is good to use when the module is
powered from the external power supply otherwise every activation
tends to shorten battery lifetime.
Battery replacement
The system automatically reports a Low Batt from the access
module. Before you change the batteries, switch the system to
service mode, otherwise a tamper alarm will be triggered.
Unit modifications
If there is a request to modify the access module hardware,
always remove the batteries and disconnect the external power
If you need to change the segments (add or take out), release them
by levering on both sides of the segment near the buttons. When you
have finished, changing the amount of segments the new JA-192Es are
not always immediately visible in the F -Link software. For
synchronization, click on the
FW upgrade
1. Upgrades can only be done by a Service technician.
software is necessary for upgrades.
3. Start the F-Link in Off-line mode and open the appropriate
4. Open the module by pressing on the tabs (5).
5. Remove the batteries and possible external power supply.
Connect the miniUSB cable to the USB port on the PC.
(Caution: the miniUSB is not in the accessories of the keypad,
control panel or any other device. You can use the cable from
the JA-190T card reader. We strictly recommend connecting
the USB straight to the PC, connection via a USB HUB can
reduce the reliability.
7. Press and hold the backlit activation button (3).
8. When the button (3) is pressed, connect the miniUSB cable to
the connector on the module (6).
9. Switching to the mode for upgrading firmware (according to the
version of the access module in about 5 esc.) indicated by the
yellow LED flashing or by the backlit activation button flashing
green and yellow (now you can release the button (3)).
10. Then continue as if you are doing an upgrade via
Control panel
→ U
pgrade Firmware
→ choose the
upgrade file pack (it is a part of the F-link installation pack, or it
can be independently published for downloading, file type
11. F-Link shows a window with a device listing, select the USB
(typically at the first position).
12. Then press
and perform the upgrade for the selected
13. Disconnect the miniUSB cable, reinsert the batteries and
reassemble the module.
14. Check the module via
Devices/Internal settings
According to the changes which have been done during the
upgrade, previous settings might stay or settings could be
erased to default. When a reset has been done you can reload
the previous settings by the
button and restore them
with no negative influence on the new firmware.
15. When the FW upgrade has been done, the main menu could be
expanded). In this case the new options are set to default.
Check their settings and adjust according to user requirements.
16. Perform a last check and try out the functions by some tests.
Technical specifications
2 x alkaline batteries AA (LR6) 1.5 V 2400 mAh
Typical life time
1 - 2 year(s) according to the settings
Communication band
868.1 MHz, JABLOTRON protocol
Communication range
200 m (open area)
Power input from external supply
0.5 W
RFID frequency
125 kHz
102 x 75 x 33 mm
170 g
Grade II
According to
EN 50131-1, EN 50131-3, EN 50131-5-3
Operational environment
EN 50131-1 II. Indoor general
Operating temperature range
-10 to +40 °C
Also complies with
ETSI EN 300330, ETSI EN 300220,
EN 50130-4, EN 55022
JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. hereby declares that the
in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. The original of the conformity
Support section
Although this product does not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
producer after use. For more detailed information visit
The JA-152E Wireless access module with RFID
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