Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
Installation Manual
Jabiru 3300 Aircraft Engine
Dated : 1
Dec 2016
Page: 47 of 56
Figure 51. Coil Cooling Detail
Ram Air Duct Assembly & Installation
As supplied, the seam at the front of the ram air duct is not joined. This joint must be bonded using 5-
minute epoxy & flock. Use a length of masking tape on the join line at the bottom of each duct inlet to hold
the join firm and prevent Epoxy/flock from leaking through.
Figure 52. Ram Air Duct Front Seam
Before installation the front air dams need to be cut to size. Take the length of glass fibre sheet with the
curved edge, hold it against the rear of the duct inlet with the curve towards the top rear of the duct and mark
around the bottom of the duct then cut to shape. Figure 53 refers.
Tape the air dam into place. Mix a small batch of 5-minute Epoxy and flock and use it to fix the air dam into
place. Leave to cure, then sand away any rough edges.
Remove the masking tape and roughen the underside of the duct and the back of the air dam.
Mix a small batch of epoxy resin (structural resin
– not 5-minute epoxy) and brush 2 layers of AF303 glass
fibre cloth to the underside of each duct, covering the join line and wrapping up around the back edge of the
air dam. Leave overnight to cure.
The completed baffle is shown in Figure 50.
Pipes blowing cool air over the ignition coils
Seam bonded with
5-minute epoxy.