Assembly and Operating Manual Explorer prop
Switch the transmitter on
, and connect the flight pack
- Check the direction of rotation of the motor: when viewed from the front, the output shaft must
rotate anti-clockwise. If this is not the case, perhaps because you are using components other than
those recommended, swap over any two motor wires to reverse the direction of rotation.
Note: whenever you are installing, adjusting or servicing the power system, keep well clear of
the rotational plane of the propeller
injury hazard. Ensure also that nobody
stands in front of the model when the motor is running.
First disconnect the battery from the speed controller, and then switch the
transmitter off.
- The model is ready for flying once you have recharged the battery.
Test-flying, flying notes
Read the sections in the Safety Notes entitled
Routine pre-flight checks
Flying the model
before attempting to fly the model for the first time.
- Advice on control surface travels
- The stated control surface travels are just a guide for the first few flights. Every pilot will
need to adjust the settings slightly to suit his or her individual flying style. Exponential
settings should also be set to suit your personal preference.
- For your first few flights please wait for a day with no more than a gentle breeze.
- A good flying site consists of a large, flat, open grassy field, devoid of trees, fences, high-tension
overhead cables etc.
- Repeat the check of all the working systems.
- Ask an experienced modeling friend to hand-launch the aircraft for you. He should be capable of
giving the model a reasonably strong, flat launch.
- The model must be launched directly into any wind.
- With the motor running at full-throttle, give the aeroplane a firm launch directly into any breeze, with
the fuselage and wings level.
- Allow the Explorer Prop to fly straight ahead
initially; don
t initiate turns close to the ground.
- Adjust the control surface trims if necessary, so
that the model flies straight with a reasonable rate
of climb
hands off
- Check the model
s reaction to control inputs. If
necessary, you may need to increase or reduce the
control surface travels after the first landing.
- Check the aeroplane
s stalling speed at a safe
- Keep the model
s speed well above the stall for the
landing approach.
- If you needed to adjust the trims during the
test-flight, correct the length of the appropriate
pushrod once the model is back on the ground,
then return the transmitter trims to centre so that
full trim travel is available to both sides of neutral
for subsequent flights.
- We reserve the right to introduce technical
modifications and suggest that you check our
website for updates.