House Grounding Rod
Every house and building will have a grounding rod outside which
grounds all the appliances inside the house.
You can see in the picture above we found our grounding rod on the
side of the house near the gas meter. Leaning shieldite against the
metal rod will discharge and clean the shieldite.
This rod is buried over 6 feet into the ground and provides the
grounding for all the ground plugs in our house and metal pipes.
You can see in the picture above we found our grounding rod on the
You can see in the picture above we found our grounding rod on the
side of the house near the gas meter. Leaning shieldite against the
side of the house near the gas meter. Leaning shieldite against the
metal rod will discharge and clean the shieldite.
metal rod will discharge and clean the shieldite.
This rod is buried over 6 feet into the ground and provides the
This rod is buried over 6 feet into the ground and provides the
grounding for all the ground plugs in our house and metal pipes.
grounding for all the ground plugs in our house and metal pipes.