Description of functions
4.4 Data structure of the configuration files
A template of the ASCII configuration file can be generated with the download
tool (see section 6). The required configuration can be created easily with the
template and a text editor. The data structure is based on the Windows INI for-
Possible settings of the configuration file are listed in the following:
ProductName = CANlink II ; !Do not change this!
TemplateVersion = 1.0
; !Do not change this!
OperationMode = COPlink ; CANlink and COPlink are possible
Timeout = 100
; 0-65000 (0-6500 ms).
ConfigAlias = "IXXAT default"
[RS232] ; Parameters of serial communication
RS232baudrate = 9600
Databits = 8
; 7,8
Parity = no
; no, odd, even
Handshake = no
; no, software, hardware
CANbaudrate = 100
FrameFormat = std
; std (11 bit ID) or ext (29 bit ID)
ReceiveID = 0x100
SendID = 0x101
CANopenBaudrate = 4
CANopenNode = 0x1
HBTime = 10000
; if 0 then Heartbeat Producer is disabled
RxPDO = 0x201
RxPDOtype = 0xFF
TxPDO = 0x181
TxPDOtype = 0xFF
ByteStreamExtension = yes ; IXXAT Byte Stream Protocol extension
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CANlink II - Manual, V1.3