The SSD hard drive (CFAST) contains all datas of the system and its actual size is 16GB.
This size may evolve according to market supply of SSD hard drives.
Optionally, we offer a backup to our dedicated servers by means of fully automated operation.
Please contact us to obtain price range.
Attention ! IXOFF is not responsible for the loss of your data for any reason whatsoever.
We recommend that you perform regular backups using Web interface (System menu >>
DB tools).
To access the
remotely from anywhere outside of your network, it is necessary to
redirect requests of your browser on specific ports.
The array below shows you the ports and their function.
Array of ports used by IBOX V3
For any question related to
use, see the online help in the Web interface or contact your
dealer / installer.
2. Connection
2.1 RS485 connection
Connect the cable from the controllers on the 3-point terminal bus adapter provided.
Remember to put resistance provided on the last controller of the field-bus (connected
between D+ and D-).
2.2 Ethernet network connection
Connect the included Ethernet cable to the FIRST Ethernet connector (near the jack power
connector) and your LAN (or your computer if you don't have a network).
2.3 Power supply connection
Connect the power supply jack cable to run the
3. First boot
To use
from your LAN, it is necessary to assign a TCP/IP address ( by
To do this, open your Web browser and type the above address in the Address bar.
Log in to the management interface using the login and password shown below.
- Password:
Then, you can change the password or create a new operator in the
System menu >> Operators
SSH (maintenance and updates reserved to IXOFF)
https (access to management interface)
QG IBOX V3.0 - september 2017
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