Custom Manuals
Provided by www.ixium.co.uk
To View Your Videos/Photos:
To view the media you have recorded with the pen, unscrew the pen and remove the
microSD card. Insert the card into an appropriate reader connected to your computer
and it will act as any USB Thumb drive would. A removable disc drive will appear and
your files are stored on that drive inside appropriately named folders (Photo/Video).
To Change The Timestamp On Your Pen Camera
To change the timestamp on your device, you need to place a text file on the root of the
memory card and name it “time.txt”
Inside the file should be a line of text such as the one below:
2012-05-01 23:59:59
Please note that the commas slashes colon and semi-colon are all necessary. You can
however edit the numbers to correspond to your current date/time. The date order is
Once you have made the necessary changes, save the file and place the memory card
into your pen. Turn the pen on and allow it to record for at least 20 seconds and then
stop the recording and turn the pen off. When you next read the card the “time.txt” file
will be gone and the videos recorded will have the current time & date set.
If you are struggling with this, please get in touch via ebay/amazon messaging, live chat
or via our phone number below.
Thank you for making your purchase from us and if you have any troubles at all, please
contact us via Ebay Messaging, Live Chat (link available from all our adverts on ebay)
or Telephone (number available from all our adverts on ebay).
-WeCostLess Team
Tel: 01158716899
Please Note: There is no CD or software required to make this item work.