4. Shade Control / Sensitivity Control / Grinding Control
(1). Welding/Gringding switch is inside on the LCD cartridge
when grinding, the helmet shell can not bear the welding spatter which is more than
43grams and exceeding 120m/sec. The helmet meet standard DIN EN 175:1997 (B im
pact Level). For other body parts helmet can not protect, please wear other safety
products for protection
(2). Sensitivity knob
Before welding, please adjust the sensitivity to high position, if encountering the interfer
ence of Lighting lamp(the filter is darkening while not welding),please adjust the sensi
tivity towards low position slightly until the filter returns to light state (please don’t make
the helmet towards to light lamp source during this process, should towards to weld
ing workpiece). During welding, the sensitivity
knob should be adjusted as high as possible,
or it will affect the darkening speed of filter.
Operator must stop using the hel
met immediately and contact with the dealer
in time if the filter can not be darkening or the
darkening speed is slow or the filter is flash.
(3). Shade knob
Before welding, please adjust the Shade Knob
to proper shade no. based on welding pro
cess and welding make primary
welding for test ( Seeing the Shade Guide Table No. 1 ). If the shade of filter is too dark
ening or too light, please adjust the Shade Knob slightly to correct position till the eyes
can see the welding spot which is not glaring and can see welding molten pool. Please
kindly note that it will damage the eyes if using welding helmet under incorrect shade
no.(too darkening or too light) for a long time.
If the filter can not be darkening
or the darkening shade is not enough or the:
darkening speed is slow or the filter is flash,
for such abnormal work, please find the rea
son immediately. If operator can not solve the
problem, please must stop using the helmet
immediately and contact with the dealer in