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i.MX6 Qseven PMIC SOM Hardware User Guide
iWave Systems Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Parallel LCD Display Interface
i.MX6 Qseven PMIC SOM supports one Parallel RGB display interface and MIPI DSI interface on Expansion
connector1 along with two LVDS display & one HDMI display on Qseven Edge connector. i.MX6 CPU’s IPU is used for
parallel LCD display interface which supports upto 24bit data bus (8bits/colour). i.MX6 CPU’s LCD can support data
rate up to 220 Mpixels/sec (e.g. WUXGA+@ 60Hz).
For more details, refer Expansion connector1 pins 2,4,6 & 20 to 47 on
41,43,44 & 45 on
Note: i.MX6 Duallite and i.MX6 Solo CPU supports only one IPU and so at any time only two display interfaces
(including LVDS, HDMI & MIPI DSI) can be supported.
MIPI DSI Interface
i.MX6 Qseven PMIC SOM supports dual lane MIPI DSI interface (excluding clock lane) @ 1Gbps on Expansion
connector1. i.MX6 CPU’s IPU with MIPI DSI Host controller & MIPI D-PHY is used for MIPI DSI interface. It is
compliant with MIPI Alliance Specification for Display Serial Interface (DSI), Version 1.01.00 - 21 February 2008 with
DPI-2 & DBI-2 support. It supports programmable display resolutions from 160x120(QQVGA) to 1280x720(XVGA). It
supports different Video Mode Pixel Formats, 16 bpp(RGB565), 18 bpp(RGB666) packed, 18 bpp(RGB666) loosely &
24 bpp(RGB888).
For more details, refer Expansion connector1 pins 46,48,55,56,57 & 58 on
Note: i.MX6 Duallite and i.MX6 Solo CPU supports only one IPU and so at any time only two display interfaces
(including LVDS, HDMI & MIPI DSI) can be supported.
Parallel Camera Interface1
i.MX6 Qseven PMIC SOM supports one camera interface on Expansion connector1 along with one more camera
interface & MIPI CSI interface on Expansion connector2. i.MX6 QuadPlus/Quad/DualPlus/Dual CPU has two IPU block
and each IPU has two input ports CSI0 and CSI1 which can receive data concurrently and independently. At any given
time, an IPU input port may receive data either from a parallel external port or from the MIPI/CSI-2 receiver.
i.MX6 IPU’s CSI0 parallel port is used for camera1 interface which provides direct connectivity to most relevant
image sensors and to TV decoders. The sensor is the master of the pixel clock (PIXCLK) & synchronization signals
where synchronization signals can be received using dedicated control signals method (HSYNC & VSYNC) or controls
embedded in data stream method (BT.656 protocol). i.MX6 Qseven PMIC SOM supports 8bit camera interface.
For more details, refer Expansion connector1 pins 64 to 76 on
Note: i.MX6 Duallite and i.MX6 Solo CPU supports only one IPU.