Service menu
AirModule –6 720 813 268(2014/10)
12.4.1 Thermal disinfection
Execute thermal disinfection regularly to eliminate pathogens
(e.g. legionella). Regulations might apply to larger DHW systems (
e.g. Drinking water regulations and standards) for thermal disinfection.
– The entire volume of DHW is heated up to the temperature that
has been set once.
– Thermal disinfection starts automatically at the set time
according to the user interface settings.
– It is possible to interrupt the process and start thermal
disinfection manually.
: Thermal disinfection is not executed automatically. It is possible
to start thermal disinfection manually.
12.4.2 DHW priority
This menu allows you to indicate if DHW heating should be prioritised or
for how long DHW heating or heating must continue without any
interruptions. Only DHW heating is active for DHW heating with DHW
DHW priority
Pool settings
In this menu it is possible to set the pool mixing valve runtime and the
booster heater start delay for pool heating.
Solar system settings
Fig. 47 Solar settings menu
If there is a solar heating system connected to the system via a module,
corresponding menus and items are displayed. The extended menu for
the solar system is described in the instructions for the utilised module.
On all solar systems
in the
Solar settings
menu there are submenus as
Hybrid system settings
The energy price relationship can be set in the
Hybrid system
Additional information is available in the instructions accompanying the
installation parts of the hybrid system.
Anti-seizing protection settings
In the
Anti-seizing protection
menu it is possible to set when the anti-
seizing protection should be activated. It is possible to set the start time
at 1-hour intervals between 00:00 and 23:00.
Risk of scalding!
During thermal disinfection, the domestic hot water is
heated to above 60 °C.
▶ Only carry out thermal disinfection outside normal
hours of use.
▶ Inform all parties concerned and make sure that at
mixer is installed.
Menu Item
DHW priority on
The controls alternate between heating mode and DHW operation in accordance with the settings below.
Heating operation is always aborted, where necessary, by DHW heating.
DHW priority for
0 ...
... 120 min
A DHW need aborts the heating requirement from the heating system after the period for which it has been set
Prioritise heating for
5 ...
... 120 min
A heating need aborts the DHW requirement from the heating system after the period for which it has been set
Table 35 DHW heating operating mode
Menu Item
Setting range
Pool module available?
A pool module is installed in the installation.
Pool heating is managed without a pool module.
Pool 3-way valve
10 ... 6000 s
Time for pool mixing valve to move from end mode to end mode.
Add. heater start delay
60 ... 1200 K*min
Booster heater start delay for pool heating.
Table 36
Risk of scalding!
▶ If DHW temperatures above 60 °C are set or thermal
disinfection is switched on, a mixer must be installed.
System damage
▶ Fill and vent the solar heating system prior to
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If the installed collector surfaces are set incorrectly, the
solar power production in the information menu will be
Menu Item
Purpose of the menu
Solar thermal sys installed
If Yes is set here, the other settings are
Change solar configuration
Graphical configuration of the solar system
Current solar configuration
Graphical display of the configured solar system
Solar parameters
Settings for the installed solar system
Start solar thermal system
Once all the required parameters have been set,
the solar system can be commissioned.
Table 37 General settings for the installed solar system