When you enter phonebook you can found quick search, Search
Contact, Add New Contact, Copy All, Delete, Caller groups,
Extra Numbers, Phonebook settings, Caller Picture, Caller Ring
Tone. Select a number, then you can, call, IP dial, send SMS,
send MMS, view, edit, Delete, copy, move and send VCard, Add
To Black List, Add To White List.
1. One ring tone can only be select as caller ring tone after the
file in the file manager send to the ring list.
2. Copy items from phone to SIM card, it can only copy the
name and number of a record.
Only the record in phonebook can be set as the member in the
group, caller picture, caller ring tone and caller video.
4. Camera
Select camera item in main menu to enter preview screen. Then
press scroll right or left key to adjust the exposure parameter
and scroll up or down key to adjust lens. Click the small icon on
the screen to set the effect settings, white balance, delay time,
cont shot, scene mode, image’s quality, image size.
While preview, press soft left key to do the work: album, image
settings, white balance, scene mode, effect settings, add frame,
storage and restore default to set the parameters. And press
center key to take photo
5. Audio player
Select audio player in the main menu item or keyboard shortcut
to enter the audio player interface. touch the scroll up key to play
or pause and scroll down key to stop Mp3, touch the scroll
left/right key to switch to the previous/next song, touch “List” to
enter the list of song, then press “”option” to do the work such as
Play, Detail, Add to Rings, Refresh List and Settings.
The concrete operations in Settings are “Play List”, “List Update”,
“Repeat”, “Shuffle”, “Background play”, “Bluetooth Stereo
output”, “Bluetooth Earphone”, “Sound effects”,“Spectrum
Display” ,“Lyrics Display”.
: If “List Update” is opened, the play list will be created
automatically form phone or memory card according to the storage. If
closed, the user should create or delete the file in play list manually.
Содержание Confort 300
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