Folding Goal posts – Elliptical
Football Goalposts must at all times be used in accordance with the fitting instructions provided. When
freestanding moveable goalposts are being positioned prior to a game children should not be allowed to use the
goalposts until they are secure and anchored safely. Never position the goalpost and then go for the second
goal before first making sure the first goal is securely anchored down.
Goalpost should be checked regularly and must be stored away safely as per instructions when not in use. This
care and Maintenance information follows our own risk assessments and those of the Football Association
Guidance Notes of ‘best practice’ to help ensure goals are safe. Sufficient counter balance weights or anchors
must be attached to the goal at all times if it is left in its play position. When stored against a wall the goal
frames MUST be secured on suitable brackets. If brackets are not available they should be stored flat face
down on the ground. They should never at any time be lent against a wall unsecured. All Heavier free standing
goal frames above 45 kilos in weight require additional care and attention when used around children.
The elliptical Foldaway goal was designed specifically with transportation and storage in mind. The goal is
designed to be used on a grass with multi-surface anchors or on artificial grass with counter balance weights.
Permanent anchor points can also be used to secure the goal in a fixed and permanent match position.
Goal post assembly
To avoid damage when assembling the goal follow these guidelines:
1. A competent adult should assemble the FOLDING GOAL and follow the fitting instructions provided.
Individuals taking over future use of the goal posts should be instructed on the safe usage of the goal posts,
how they are used in play, whilst being moved around and when in storage. Copies of goalpost fitting
instructions can be attained on the website ( for any new users of the goal posts.
2. Always observe and Follow the warning labels attached to the goal. During the life of any goalposts warning
labels may become worn and these should be replaced. Goalpost spares including warning labels are readily
available from ITSA Goal.
3. Always fold out the side frames on a flat section of ground and return back to a flat area when folding sides
under crossbar after use. (Ideally a boarded area by your container or store )
4. Assemble the goals on a flat surface, if it is not flat the bolt holes my not line up correctly.
Goal post frame
If the folding goals are to moved frequently any distance we recommend using wheels or dollies and adding the
optional a back bar. Never allow one person to drag the goals along the ground as this will damage the corners
and may twist the connectors and jam the locks in place making them difficult to remove after use. Prolonged
misuse like this will permanently damage the goal frame.(see Fig 2)
1. NEVER use net stanchion supports to lift or drag the goal. This may cause the stanchions to bend and
deform. Net supports are designed to support goal nets not people swinging on them.
2. Ensure you have an adequate number of physically fit and capable adults available when moving goalposts.
Never allow children to move goalposts or play with the goalposts whilst they are being positioned for a game.
3. It is advisable not to drag the goal across the ground as this may damage the goal and playing surface. Lift
the goal and carry with upright in one hand and side ground frame in the other (two people) or lift from the rear
and pull when wheels are attached at the front (one person can then move the goal frame)
4. Do not place fingers at the top of the upright ( inside the void created by the upright being oval in shape)
when side frames are rotating.
5. ALWAYS lock the side frames in position when in play.
6 We would recommend Pneumatic wheels to move you goal on wet muddy surfaces and smaller hard wheels
be used on artificial grass.
Goal with sides folded out for Use
Goal posts must NEVER be left up if unsupervised. Side frames must be locked during use to prevent the sides
from swinging about which will make the goalpost unstable.
The folding Goal frame must be anchored immediately the side frames have been locked in the play position.
NEVER walk away from the assembled goal frame until it is securely anchored.
NEVER allow anyone under any circumstance to climb or swing on the crossbar prior to the goal being
anchored. Discourage this activity of swinging on crossbars at all times at your football club. It is a very
common practice with young children but highly dangerous (see goalpost safety section on our web site)
DO NOT use any components, nets or parts if they are damaged or broken. Goal post Repairs & spare parts
are readily available from our web site. Do not tamper with Goalposts.
The folding goalpost is not designed to be dragged as this can weaken and damage the corners of the goal
frame. Always move the goalposts with sides folded out in the play position as shown on the fitting instructions.
The folding goal can be moved easily by one person with wheels. (See moving the goalposts on web site) We recommend Goals transporter dollies for moving larger folding goalposts.
Goal with sides folded under crossbar for storage
Do not move goalposts with sides locked underneath the crossbar, for play fold out into the play position
before moving if at all possible. The goalpost can however be moved in the none play position (side frames
under crossbar) in certain tight access locations however it is important that individuals walk on the side the
wind is blowing to prevent the frame blowing over onto them if a sudden gust happens ; however, it is not
adviseable to move the goals in extreme windy conditions.
When removing the goal post from the playing surface ensure that all fittings are packed away and that non
are left on the pitch.
NEVER leave the goal post frame with sides folded under the crossbar and lent against a building or wall
without first securing the goal post from toppling forward.
When folding the side frames back under the crossbar do it on a flat area.
Locks & Keys
Do not force the key. A gentle movement of the side frame outwards past the ninety degree
position) as you turn the key helps push the lock out after use. We suggest that furniture polish be applied to
the lock housing and the corners to make movement of the parts easier.
If the key breaks in the lock and you do not have enough of the key exposed to pull it out then we advise to
turn the upright around and tap the outside of the post with a rubber mallet and gravity should see the key
drop out or sufficiently down from the lock to pull out with pliers.
Replacement and spare keys are readily available.
As these are the only locking secure side frames on any folding goal it is important to tell everyone using the
folding goals that they are locked and do not just push in and out like other less stable folding goalposts. We
have had volunteers actually push the side frames with the locks secured until they broke them as they had
never seen locking frames only loose ones that swung about. Explain to all users how the goals work and the
safety benefits they offer.
Moving the heavier elliptical goal
In order to move the Elliptical Foldaway goal ideally wheel attachments should be attached. If moved manually
it should be lifted and carried fully assembled Carried with rear ground frame attached with left hand on
upright and right hand on side frame (and vice-verse at the other side of the goalpost) as set out above. Goals
must be fully assembled ideally when moving the goals.
please take note that additional measures need to be taken into account when moving this goal.
1. When moving the goal ensure that you NEVER have anyone walking directly behind in the path of the
goalpost frame or underneath the frame.
2. Freestanding goalposts should NEVER be moved without an adequate number of physically fit and capable
people who have been fully trained to use proper lifting techniques. A full size goal should never be manually
moved using fewer than four adults or two adults with wheels or dollies.
3. Goalpost Wheels should be of a type suitable for the surface in which it will aid the goal to move across.
Hard wheels are designed for firm or indoor surfaces while pneumatic wheels are for soft ground.
Fig 1.
Fig 2.
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
Fig 5.
Fig 6.
Lay goal flat
down on ground.
Insert Wheels on
both uprights
Lift goals upright - two adults
Steer/move goal into position
with lock in place at the rear.
Add ground back bar as
per fitting instructions
made of earth,
gravel, or concrete
of your container -
see the height (B)
of the goal on the
(btm left)
If goals are stored in containers it is recommended
to build a small ramp up to the container
entrance. This will improve handling
of the goals and speed up the
time taken setting up goals.
Insert sufficient anchors,
counter weights or
chain to fixing points
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