International Thermal Research Ltd. - 8 -
Start the vehicle engine and let it heat up to the normal operating temperature. Turn the burner switch on the Remote
Operating Panel to the ON position. The OASIS NE-S will come up to the set operating temperature range and will cycle
OFF. The heat from the vehicle engine will be transferred to the domestic water and space heating loop. Heat will continue
to be available without the burner operating as long as the engine continues to run.
Functions of the Remote Operating Panel
The OASIS NE-S Remote Operating Panel contains an ON/OFF burner switch, a triple position AC element switch, an
(optional) ON/OFF engine heat switch to control the engine pre-heat pump, and four LED’s indicating burner activation, AC
element activation, module fault, and zone fault.
Burner Switch (Primary Heat Source)
The burner switch on the remote panel controls ON/OFF activation of the diesel burner. The Burner LED will turn on when
the diesel burner has been activated.
AC Element Switch (Secondary Heat Source)
The triple position AC element switch controls activation of a single 120 VAC immersion element or both 120 VAC immersion
elements jointly. The AC heat LED will turn ON to indicate when the element(s) have been activated.
Engine Pre-Heat Switch (If Option is installed)
The engine pre-heat switch (optional) controls activation of the engine pre-heat pump (optional). The engine pre-heat pump
will not function unless the coolant in the OASIS NE-S has achieved a preset temperature.
Burner LED (Green)
When ON, indicates the diesel burner has been activated. This LED remains ON even if the heater cycles off.
AC Heat LED (Green)
When ON, indicates the 120 VAC immersion elements(s) are activated. When the heater reaches it’s set temperature the
element(s) will shut off and the LED will also turn OFF
Module Fault LED (Red)
When ON, indicates the OASIS NE-S has faulted. The specific fault can be identified by examining the OASIS NE-S Control
Panel located on the front of the OASIS Heating Module. An LED will indicate the specific fault; for information regarding a
fault refer to the description of the OASIS NE-S Control Panel for further details.
Zone Fault LED (Red)
When ON, indicates a space heating zone(s) has faulted. The specific fault can be identified by examining the Zone Control Panel
located in the same location as the OASIS NE-S. There are indicator LED’s on the panel that indicate the problem. Refer to the
description of the Zone Control Panel for further details.