Your iTOUCH Active is a one-touch device, you can interact with your device by
tapping the one-touch button to navigate through the iTouch Active. To activate a
feature on your device or to enter certain sections on your device (I.E Settings), sim-
ply tap and hold the one-touch button. Your device will vibrate once you enter
or activate a feature as well.
Here are a few basics to help you get started:
Exiting a section or app on watch:
To exit an area you’re in on the watch, tap on
the one-touch button until you see a back button icon. Tap and hold the one-touch
button on this icon to exit a section on the watch.
Haptic Feedback Control:
Your watch vibrates to alert you of any notifications or reminders you need.
But sometimes if you don’t want the vibration, it can become a bother. That’s why you can control if you
want vibration on or off for your watch. To turn off vibration on your watch, tap on the one-touch button
until you land on the
icon. Tap and hold on the one-touch button to enter this section and navi-
gate to the
Do Not Disturb
icon. Tap and hold on this icon to turn off vibrations.
You can turn this off and
off as you like but it takes 5 minutes once the feature has been activated to begin working
. Shutting
off vibration will also provide an even longer battery life.
MAC ID Address:
Each iTouch Active has a unique ID that can be found on the device. This MAC ID can
help you connect your watch to the iTOUCH Wearables app and ensure you’re connecting the correct
watch to the app. To find this ID on your iTouch Active, simply tap and hold on the one-touch button on
the main clock face of your device for 5 seconds. On this screen, you will also see you battery level and
you’ll see a Bluetooth icon (if you are connected to the iTOUCH Wearbles App).
Alarms vibrate to alert you at a time you have set. Set up to three alarms to
occur once or on multiple days of the week via the ITOUCH Wearables App. To set an
alarm, open the iTouch Wearables App, tap menu and head to settings. Tap on Alarms
and then begin setting your alarms for the day and week.