2.1.3. Rack Mounting
SDR series are 1/2 19“ casing design and the specially designed 19“ rack mount adapter (MP-50)
is available as optional purchase for customers‘ installation request. The installation instructions
are shown as Fig. 3.
Fig. 3
2.1.4. RF Interference
If you encounter receiving interference (from other than an operating TV station), often it can be
overcome by adjusting the receiver‘s squelch control, as described on 5.2 (below).Please note that
wireless frequencies are shared with other radio services. According to FCC regulations, wireless
microphone operations are unprotected from interference of other licensed operations in the band.
If any interference is received by any Government or non-Government operation, the wireless
microphone must cease operation. The above statement is valid in the U.S.A.
2.1.5. Receiver Squelch control
The squelch control on the back panel of the receiver is preset at the factory, but can be adjusted
if you must use the system in a high RF interference area. If there is audio output from the receiver
when your transmitter is OFF, adjust the squelch control so the system will receive the signal from
your transmitter but squelch or eliminate the unwanted background RF noise. This adjustment
can cause a reduction in usable range of the
wireless transmitter, so set the control to the lowest position which reliably mutes the unwanted RF