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Ezennel megerősítem, hogy a terméket hibátlan állapotban, a felhasználói kézikönyvvel 

együtt kaptam kézhez, és elfogadom, hogy a jelen garancialevél kizárólag a vásárlást igazoló 

számlával vagy blokkal együtt érvényes. Jelen tanúsítvány hiányában, illetve a garancia lejárata 

vagy – a termék nem megfelelő használata következtében – érvénytelenné válása esetén a 

szükséges javítások beleegyezésemmel a saját költségemre történnek.

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Italia Star Com Due S.R.L.


Содержание BISONTE BTA-MD600Y

Страница 1: ...EZ pg 77 MIST DUSTER pg 114 BTA MD600Y Italia Star Com Due S R L Autostrada Bucuresti Pitesti km 13 2 Loc Chiajna IF 004 021 433 03 27 info italiastar ro www italiastar ro Manual de utilizare Haszn la...

Страница 2: ...Segni Signos Al r s Taiwei Li Producator si titularul fisei tehnice Manufacturer and holder of the technical file Fabbricante e detentore del fascicolo tecnico Fabricante y el titular del expediente...

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Страница 4: ..._______________________________ Adresa ___________________________________ Data cump r rii ____________________________ Semn tur tampil _________________________________________ D ISTRIBUITOR N UME A...

Страница 5: ...azul defect rii produsului cump r torul va trebui s se prezinte la unul dintre sediile i punctele de service specificate n prezentul certificat n cazul n care clientul nu domicilieaza n acela i ora un...

Страница 6: ...ea de dozare Atomizare Cur area filtrului de aer Carburator Verificarea bujiei Comportamentul motorului n func iune nlocuirea funiei de pornire i a arcului de rebobinare Depozitarea Tabel de ntre iner...

Страница 7: ...e operator a situa iei i poate duce la o utilizare mai bun a ma inii Not sau indica ie cu privire la procedura corect pentru a evita deteriorarea mediului Echipamente i caracteristici Acest manual de...

Страница 8: v ar putea afecta vederea dexteritatea sau judecata Numai accesoriile furnizate i aprobate n mod expres pentru a fi utilizate cu modelul dumneavoastr specific sunt autorizate Nu trebuie utilizat...

Страница 9: ...l p n c nd scurgerea nu este remediat P stra i benzina i uleiul n recipiente de siguran aprobate etichetate corespunz tor Transportul unit ii Opri i ntotdeauna motorul Transportul ntr un vehicul asigu...

Страница 10: ...e de produc torul substan elor de protec ie a plantelor Schimba i hainele imediat dac se mbib cu substan chimic de protec ie a plantelor sau cu solu ie de sterilizare Pentru a reduce riscul de inhalar...

Страница 11: ...e ntre inere repara ii sau de cur are a ma inii Excep ie carburator i ajust ri la ralanti Cur a i ntotdeauna praful i murd ria de pe ma in dup terminarea lucr rii Nu repara i i nu depozita i unitatea...

Страница 12: ...ea manetei de comand Ata a i furtunul de lichid la furtunul plisat cu dispozitivul de re inere mpinge i cap tul liber al furtunului de lichid peste stu ul de pe robinet i fixa i l n pozi ie cu colieru...

Страница 13: ...ului catalitic Ulei de motor Folosi i numai ulei de motor n doi timpi de calitate Alte uleiuri de calitate pentru motor n doi timpi trebuie s fie conforme cu clasificarea TC Benzina sau uleiul de moto...

Страница 14: ...v rezervorul Dup alimentare str nge i cu m na capacul de umplere c t mai bine posibil Schimba i filtrul de combustibil o dat pe an Goli i rezervorul de combustibil Folosi i un c rlig pentru a scoate f...

Страница 15: ...ertical Dac motorul este rece roti i butonul de oc la Dac motorul este cald roti i maneta de oc la De asemenea utiliza i aceast pozi ie dac motorul a pornit dar este nc rece Pune i atomizorul pe p m n...

Страница 16: ...ti Pentru a opri motorul Glisa i comutatorul de oprire 1 n pozi ie OFF La temperaturi exterioare foarte sc zute L sa i motorul s se nc lzeasc Imediat ce motorul porne te Muta i maneta de reglare 2 la...

Страница 17: ...rul s func ioneze un timp la tura ia de ralanti astfel nc t c ldura din motor s poat fi disipat prin fluxul de aer de r cire Acest lucru protejeaz componentele montate pe motor aprindere carburator de...

Страница 18: ...e iar 4 este cel maxim Num rul necesar de pe butonul de dozare trebuie s fie aliniat cu indicatorul turnat Verifica i func ionarea unit ii de dozare la intervale regulate f r pomp de presiune Pune i a...

Страница 19: ...ndic n mod normal concentra ia necesar pentru pulverizarea cu presiune nalt Prin atomizarea cu volum redus se ob ine un randament de aproximativ patru ori mai mare fa de pulverizarea la presiune nalt...

Страница 20: ...dac doza pe hectar este de 600 g 600g x 3 600 m2 10 000 m2 216 g Determina i apa necesar pentru o rat de aplicare a solu iei de 150 l ha i o suprafa de 3600 m2 150 l x 3 600 m2 10 000 m2 54 l Cantitat...

Страница 21: ...Verifica i distan a parcurs ntr un minut Regula general Lungimea normal a pasului este de aproximativ 0 7 p n la 0 9 m dar poate fi de p n la 1 0 m M surarea distan ei este mai bun dec t num rarea num...

Страница 22: ...3 m n coloana 3m valoarea 150 este ntre 144 i 161 Diferen a dintre 150 i 161 este de aproximativ dou ori mai mare dec t ntre 150 i 144 Prin urmare unitatea de m surare trebuie setat undeva ntre 2 6 i...

Страница 23: rcare pe unitate de timp fie determina i de operator Viteza de mers i l imea de lucru pot varia Aceste varia ii pot avea ca rezultat diferen e considerabile n cantitatea de ingredient activ aplicat...

Страница 24: ...acest lucru cantitatea de solu ie necesar ar cre te cu 17 de la 54 litri la 63 2 litri Dac ambele varia ii ar interveni n acela i timp setarea dozatorului ar trebui redus cu 27 de la 2 7 la 1 97 I mi...

Страница 25: ...zirii Set ri standard Carburator cu capace limitatoare Opri i motorul De uruba i urubul de tura ie mare H i urubul de tura ie mic L n sens invers acelor de ceasornic p n la oprire nu mai mult de 1 4 d...

Страница 26: ...i din cauza lubrifierii insuficiente i a supra nc lzirii Verificarea bujiei Dac motorul nu are putere este dificil de pornit sau func ioneaz prost la ralanti verifica i mai nt i bujia Scoate i bujia v...

Страница 27: ...filtrul de aer este curat i carburatorul reglat corespunz tor cauza poate fi n toba de e apament Solicita i distribuitorului s verifice toba de e apament pentru contaminare cocsificare nlocuirea funi...

Страница 28: ...elor de ceasornic vezi ilustra ia Consulta i Arc de rebobinare nlocuirea unui arc de rebobinare rupt Unge i noul arc cu c teva pic turi de ulei ner inos Scoate i rotorul funiei a a cum este descris n...

Страница 29: ...neautorizate Nu expune i recipientul la lumina direct a soarelui pentru perioade inutil de lungi Razele UV pot face materialul recipientului fragil ceea ce ar putea duce la scurgeri sau rupere Tabel d...

Страница 30: ...ul i asum responsabilitatea pentru orice daune care ar putea ap rea Printre altele aceastea includ Deterior ri ale motorului din cauza neglijen ei sau a ntre inerii deficiente de exemplu a filtrelor d...

Страница 31: ...t bujie M 14 x 1 25 9 5 mm lungime Greutate Debit aer 9 5 kg 1060 m3 h Accesoriu de pulverizare Capacitate rezervor 141 Dimensiune sit de 1 mm umplere Rata de dozare 0 14 3 03 l min Sistem de alimenta...

Страница 32: maneta de control 7 mpinge i cotul asamblat 10 furnizat cu accesoriul n furtunul ventilatorului p n la cap t De uruba i piuli a de mbinare 2 i trage i reductorul 3 cu furtunul 4 De uruba i butonul...

Страница 33: ...e uruba i colierele de pe furtun 13 de pe burduf 14 colierele vor fi refolosite mpinge i reductorul 17 din recipient din interior i scoate i l mpreun cu furtunul 16 De uruba i capacul recipientului Tr...

Страница 34: ...ontat n recipient pentru a ob ine o distribu ie extra fin pentru aplica iile de pulverizare Scoate i p lnia nainte de a umple recipientul cu material granulat Pune i capacul pe recipient www italiasta...

Страница 35: ...FIG 1 MOTOR 1E46F 3 PE BENZIN www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 35...

Страница 36: ...1 1 44 2922 CAPAC 1 1 15 2921 SIMERING PISTON 2 1 45 7877 BUC E 1 1 16 2903 GARNITUR CARTER ARBORE 1 1 46 1173 URUB M5 20 9 1 17 2812 CARTER SUPERIOR 1 1 47 2982 BLOC 1 1 18 5900 AIB 5 12 1 48 2786 U...

Страница 37: ...www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 37...

Страница 38: ...00 5GB848 S IB 5 15 2 44 0354 10 2 780 CONDUCT PLASTIC 1 2 15 4428 URUB M5 50 2 2 45 4364 M5X12 URUB M5 12 2 2 16 8645 CARCAS VOLUT 1 2 46 2893 ANSAMBLU DOZARE 1 2 17 8643 ROTOR 1 2 47 2926 SUPORT 2 2...

Страница 39: ...8 2 69 3036 CONDUCT VERTICAL 1 2 99 2 70 3033 CONECTOR 1 2 100 2 71 0712 CLEM 1 2 101 2 72 2917 ARC REVENIRE 1 2 102 2 73 0415 SUPAP DE REGLARE 1 2 103 2 74 5112 16 2 4 0 RING 1 2 104 2 75 0417 DUZ 1...

Страница 40: ...3WF 600 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 40...

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Страница 48: ...90 a TC 1 2 TC 25 1 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 48...

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Страница 50: ...1 ON 2 3 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 50...

Страница 51: ...2 1 2 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 51...

Страница 52: ...5 15 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 52...

Страница 53: ...1 1 4 10 4 5 5 80 100 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 53...

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Страница 60: ...1 2 H L 1 4 H L LA L LA www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 60...

Страница 61: ...1 H H 1 4 A 100 2 3 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 61...

Страница 62: ...1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 62...

Страница 63: ...5 4 3 3 4 5 6 7 5 4 3 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 63...

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Страница 65: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 65...

Страница 66: ...9 20 21 22 23 24 56 5 3 46 Bosch WSE 6 F BPMR 7 A 34 2800 0 5 2 5 kw 14 1 25 9 5 9 5 1060 3 141 1 0 14 3 03 0 1 l 1 51 3 5 960 1 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com...

Страница 67: ...1 5 6 7 10 2 3 4 8 9 11 1 1 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 67...

Страница 68: ...11 12 2 13 14 17 16 15 16 18 13 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 68...

Страница 69: ...19 20 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 69...

Страница 70: ...1 1E46F 3 www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 70...

Страница 71: ...2 1 43 2822 1 1 14 2639 1 1 44 2922 1 1 15 2921 2 1 45 7877 1 1 16 2903 1 1 46 1173 M5 20 9 1 17 2812 1 1 47 2982 1 1 18 5900 5 12 1 48 2786 M3 6GB818 1 1 19 7813 5 12 1 49 4428 M5 50 2 1 20 1164 M5...

Страница 72: ...www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 72...

Страница 73: ...15 2 44 0354 10 2 780 1 2 15 4428 M5 50 2 2 45 4364 M5X12 M5 12 2 2 16 8645 1 2 46 2893 1 2 17 8643 1 2 47 2926 2 2 18 8644 1 2 48 4314 ST4 2 12 M4 10 2 2 19 4278 5 10 2 49 0354 10 2 780 1 2 20 8624 1...

Страница 74: ...0712 1 2 101 2 72 2917 1 2 102 2 73 0415 1 2 103 2 74 5112 16 2 4 0 1 2 104 2 75 0417 1 2 105 2 76 3037 1 2 106 2 77 3038 1 2 107 2 78 3039 1 2 108 2 79 8657 1 2 109 2 80 0540 DOP 1 2 110 2 81 2 111...

Страница 75: ..._________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ______________________________________...

Страница 76: ...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 Italia Star Com Due 10 11 12 13 3000 1000 1500 2000 14 ___________________________ _________________________ _______________________ _________________________ 76...


Страница 78: ...s 12 A l gsz r tiszt t sa 18 Karbur tor 19 Gy jt gyertya ellen rz se 20 A motor viselked se m k d s alatt 21 Az ind t k t l s a visszah z rug cser je 21 T rol s 23 A karbantart si m veletek t bl zata...

Страница 79: seg thet a kezel nek a helyzet meg rt s ben s a g p jobb haszn lat hoz vezethet Megjegyz s vagy utal s a helyes elj r sra a k rnyezeti k rok elker l se rdek ben Berendez sek s jellemz k Jelen hasz...

Страница 80: sa alatt ll k b t szer alkohol stb amely befoly solhatja l t s t k z gyess g t vagy t l k pess g t Csak az adott modellhez mell kelt s kifejezetten j v hagyott tartoz kok haszn lata megengedett A f...

Страница 81: ...t meg nem sz nteti T rolja a benzint s az olajat j v hagyott megfelel en felc mk zett biztons gi tart lyokban Egys g sz ll t sa A motort mindig ll tsa le Sz ll t s j rm ben R gz tse megfelel en az egy...

Страница 82: ...szer gy rt ja ltal megadott biztons gi vint zked seket s utas t sokat Azonnal cser lje le a ruh it ha n v nyv d szer vagy steriliz l oldat ker lt r juk A vegyi anyagokb l sz rmaz m rgez f st k s a ki...

Страница 83: ...t v gezne a g pen Kiv tel karbur tor s alapj rat be ll t sa A munka befejez se ut n mindig tiszt tsa meg a port s a szennyez d st a g pr l Ne jav tsa vagy t rolja a k sz l ket t z vagy l ng k zel ben...

Страница 84: ...t csavart l sd A vez rl kar be ll t sa Csatlakoztassa a folyad kt ml t a red s t ml h z a r gz t eszk zzel Tolja a folyad kt ml szabad v g t a csapon l v f v ka f l s r gz tse a szor t val Z rja el a...

Страница 85: ...s gi k t tem motorhoz val olajat haszn ljon A t bbi min s gi k t tem motorhoz val olajnak meg kell felelnie a TC besorol snak A rossz min s g benzin vagy motorolaj k ros thatja a motort a t m t gy r...

Страница 86: ...tart lyt A tankol s ut n a lehet legjobban h zza meg k zzel a bet lt ny l s kupakj t vente egyszer cser lje ki az zemanyagsz r t r tse ki az zemanyagtart lyt Egy horog seg ts g vel t vol tsa el az zem...

Страница 87: ...a el a leng scsillap t gombot Ha a motor forr ford tsa a leng scsillap t kart Haszn lja ezt a poz ci t akkor is ha a motor beindult de m g mindig hideg Helyezze a permetez t a f ldre Ellen rizze hogy...

Страница 88: ...or le ll t s hoz Cs sztassa a le ll t kapcsol t 1 OFF KI ll sba Nagyon alacsony k ls h m rs klet eset n Hagyja felmelegedni a motort Amint a motor beindul ll tsa a be ll t kart 2 az als tk z be a moto...

Страница 89: ...n lat k zben Hossz teljes gyors t s melletti zemel s ut n hagyja a motort egy ideig alapj raton j rni hogy a h t leveg raml sa el tudja vezetni a motorb l sz rmaz h t Ez megv di a motorra szerelt alka...

Страница 90: ...v sz mnak egybe kell esnie az nt tt jelz vel Rendszeres id k z nk nt ellen rizze az adagol egys g m k d s t nyom szivatty n lk l Helyezze a permetez t a f ldre T ltse fel a tart lyt v zzel a 10 litere...

Страница 91: ...t k rendszerint a nagynyom s permetez shez sz ks ges koncentr ci t jelzik A kis t rfogat permetez s k r lbel l n gyszer akkora mint a nagynyom s permetez s Ha a gy rt utas t sai nem tartalmaznak kis t...

Страница 92: ...nyagot ha a hekt ronk nti d zis 600 g 600g x 3 600 m2 10 000 m2 216 g Hat rozza meg a sz ks ges vizet 150 l ha oldat mennyis ghez s 3600 m2 ter lethez 150 l x 3 600 m2 10 000 m2 54 l A hat anyag menny...

Страница 93: ...t megtett t vols got ltal nos szab ly A norm l l p shossz k r lbel l 0 7 0 9 m de lehet ak r 1 0 m is A t vols gm r s jobb mint a l p sek sz m nak sz ml l sa Ha elosztja a t vols got m terben az id ve...

Страница 94: ...hekt ronk nt 150 liter a munkasz less g 3 m A 3m oszlopban a 150 es rt k 144 s 161 k z tt van A 150 s 161 k z tti k l nbs g k r lbel l k tszer akkora mint a 150 s 144 k z tt Emiatt a m rt kegys get va...

Страница 95: ...genk nti r t si sebess g vagy a kezel hat rozza meg A j r si sebess g s a munkasz less g v ltozhat Ezek az elt r sek jelent s k l nbs geket eredm nyezhetnek az egys gnyi ter letre felvitt hat anyag m...

Страница 96: ...l cs kkenteni kell 2 7 r l 2 24 I percre Ennek elmulaszt sa eset n a sz ks ges oldat mennyis ge 17 kal 54 literr l 63 2 literre n Ha mindk t elt r s egyidej leg fordul el az adagol si be ll t st 27 ka...

Страница 97: ...korl toz sapk kkal ll tsa le a motort Csavarja ki a nagy sebess g csavart H s az alacsony sebess g csavart L az ramutat j r s val ellent tes ir nyba tk z sig legfeljebb 1 4 fordulattal Karbur tor korl...

Страница 98: ...el gtelen ken s s t lmeleged s miatt Gy jt gyertya ellen rz se Ha a motor lemer lt nehezen ind that vagy alapj raton rosszul j r el sz r ellen rizze a gy jt gyerty t T vol tsa el a gy jt gyerty t l s...

Страница 99: ...e nem kiel g t m g akkor is ha a leveg sz r tiszta s a karbur tor megfelel en be van ll tva az ok a kipufog dobban lehet Ellen riztesse a kipufog t az elad val hogy nem szennyez d tt e kokszos e Az in...

Страница 100: ...csapja f l a biztos t kot az ramutat j r s val megegyez ir nyba kell ir ny tani l sd az br t L sd A visszah z rug T r tt visszah z rug cser je Kenje meg az j rug t n h ny csepp gyantamentes olajjal T...

Страница 101: ...em lyek el l elz rva tartand Ne tegye ki a tart lyt sz ks gtelen l hossz ideig k zvetlen napf nynek Az UV sugarak t r kenny tehetik a tart ly anyag t ami sziv rg shoz vagy t r shez vezethet A karbanta...

Страница 102: ...kell elv geznie Ha ezeket a m veleteket nem az el r soknak megfelel en hajtj k v gre a felhaszn l felel ss get v llal az esetlegesen el fordul k rok rt Ezek k z tartoznak a k vetkez k Hanyags gb l vag...

Страница 103: ...eljes tm ny 2 5 kw M 14 x 1 25 9 5 mm hossz s g S ly L g raml s 9 5 kg 1060 m3 h Permetez tartoz k Tart lykapacit s 141 Szitam ret 1 mm es t lt s Adagol si ar ny 0 14 3 03 l perc T lt rendszer Karbur...

Страница 104: ...rr l 7 Tolja be teljesen a tartoz kkal egy tt sz ll tott sszeszerelt k ny k t 10 a ventil tort ml be Csavarja ki a hollandi any t 2 s h zza meg a reduktort 3 a t ml vel 4 Csavarja ki a standard f v ka...

Страница 105: meg Csavarja le a t ml bilincseket 13 a fujtat r l 14 a szor tok jra felhaszn lhat k Nyomja ki a reduktort 17 a tart lyb l bel l s t vol tsa el a t ml vel 16 egy tt Csavarja le a tart ly fedel t H...

Страница 106: ...ell szerelni hogy a permetez si alkalmaz sokn l extra finom eloszl st rj nk el T vol tsa el a garatot miel tt a tart lyt szemcs s anyaggal t lti fel Helyezze vissza a fedelet a tart lyra www italiasta...

Страница 107: ...1 BRA 1E46F 3 BENZINES MOTOR www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 107...

Страница 108: ...OR 1 1 14 2639 DUGATTY 1 1 44 2922 BOR T 1 1 15 2921 SZIMERING DUGATTY 2 1 45 7877 CSAP GYCS SZE 1 1 16 2903 TENGELY FORGATTY H Z T M T S 1 1 46 1173 M5 20 CSAVAR 9 1 17 2812 FELS FORGATTY H Z 1 1 47...

Страница 109: ...www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 109...

Страница 110: ...POCS 3 2 14 5900 5 S 5GB848 AL T T 15 2 44 0354 10 2 780 M ANAYAG CS 1 2 15 4428 M5 50 CSAVAR 2 2 45 4364 M5X12 M5 12 CSAVAR 2 2 16 8645 H Z CSIGAVONALA 1 2 46 2893 ADAGOL SZERKEZET 1 2 17 8643 ROTOR...

Страница 111: ...8 2 69 3036 F GG LEGES VEZET K 1 2 99 2 70 3033 CSATLAKOZ 1 2 100 2 71 0712 KAPOCS 1 2 101 2 72 2917 VISSZAH Z RUG 1 2 102 2 73 0415 BE LL T SZELEP 1 2 103 2 74 5112 16 2 4 0 GY R 1 2 104 2 75 0417 FU...

Страница 112: ...___________________________ Al r s b lyegz _________________________________________ FORGALMAZ N V C M Ezennel meger s tem hogy a term ket hib tlan llapotban a felhaszn l i k zik nyvvel egy tt kaptam...

Страница 113: ...ja a term k megfelel m k d s t A term k szakszer tlen be zemel se vagy haszn lata eset n a felhaszn l i s karbantart si k zik nyv utas t sainak be nem tart sa eset n illetve a rendszeresen temezett ka...

Страница 114: ...ubjofs Nfufsjoh voju Njtucmpxjoh Dmfbojoh uif Bjs Gjmufs Dbscvsfups Difdljoh uif Tqbsl Qmvh Fohjof svoojoh Cfibwjps Sfqmbdjoh Tubsufs Spqf boe Sfxjoe Tqsjoh Tupsjoh uif Nbdijof Nbjoufobodf Dibsu Njojn...

Страница 115: ...for using the machine but may improve the opetator s umderstanding of the situation and result in better use of the machine Note or hint on correct procedure in order to avoid damage to the environmen...

Страница 116: ...cohol etc which mi ght impair vision dexterity or judgment Clothing must be sturdy and snug fitting but allow complete freedom of movement a safety coverall is recommended Avoid loose fitting jackets...

Страница 117: that it does not endanger others Do not fuel a hot engine fuel may spill and cause a fire Remove the fuel filler cap on the unit carefully so as to allow any pressure build up in the tank to relea...

Страница 118: ...ty precautions and instructions given by the manufacturer of the plant protection products Change clothing immediately if it becomes soaked with plant proteciton chemical or spay solution To reduce th...

Страница 119: ...ool in any way as this could result in serious injury Exception Carburetor and idle adjustments Always clean dust and dirt off the machine after finishing work Do not service or store your unit near a...

Страница 120: ...ntil you have completed the following adjustments Mounting the spraying attachment Push the free end of the liquid hose over the stub on the stop cock and secure in position with the hose clip Put the...

Страница 121: ...icants or mix ratios other than those specified may result in serious damage to the engine piston seizure rapid rate of wear etc Use only regular branded gasoline with a minimum octane rating or 90 lf...

Страница 122: ...nto the hose Place the pickup body in the tank Position the unit so that the filler cap is facing up Take care not to spill fuel while fueling and do not overfill the tank After fueling tighten down f...

Страница 123: ...op and full throttle upper stop Set the lever to idle position before switching off the engine Note Before starting Put the unit on the ground Check that bystanders are well clear of the general work...

Страница 124: to warm up Move the setting lever 2 to the lower stop so that the engine settles down to idle speed If you did not turn the choke knob to quickly enough after the engine began to fire the combustio...

Страница 125: 15 tank fillings After a long period of full throttle operation allow engine to run for a while at idle speed so that the heat in the engine can be dissipated by flow of cooling air This protects...

Страница 126: ...added via a metering system The solution is atomized into very fine droplets and discharged at high velocity by the airstream The time required to spray 5 liters fluid should be between 80 and 100 se...

Страница 127: ...facturers normally quote the concentration required for high pressure spraying Low volume mist blowing achieves about four times the yield of high pressure spraying If the manufacturer s instructions...

Страница 128: ...water required for a solution application rate of 150 l ha and a surface area of 3 600 m2 150 l x 3 600 m2 54 l 10 000 m2 The quantity of active ingredient 216 g mixed with the amount of water 54 l p...

Страница 129: ...lked in one minute Rule of thumb Normal length of stride is about 0 7 to 0 9 m but can be up to 1 0m Measuring the distance is better than counting the number of steps Dividing thedistance in meters b...

Страница 130: ...refore has to be set somewhere between 2 6 and 2 9 Allowing for the proportional difference the setting should be 2 7 which corresponds to the calculated value The discharge rate is also influenced by...

Страница 131: ...or low growing crops is 1m s lt may be necessary to walk slower when mistbl owing higher crops To achieve greater working widths or treat open and high growing crops the spray tube must be moved quick...

Страница 132: ...special accessory In our example the setting of the merering unit would have to be reduced by 17 from 2 7 to 2 24 I min If this is not done the quantity of solution required would increase 17 from 54...

Страница 133: engine speed If the setting is too lean there is a risk of engine damage due to insufficient lubrication and overheating Shut off the engine Shut off the engine Carefully screw both adjusting screw...

Страница 134: ...not satisfactory when operating at high altitude If engine is down on power difficult to start or runs poorly at idle speed first check the spark plug Remove the spark plug see Starting Stopping the E...

Страница 135: ...unsatisfactory even though the air filter is clean and the carburetor properly adjusted the cause may be in the muffler Have the muffler checked for contamination coking by dealer Replacing Starter R...

Страница 136: clip must point clockwise see illustration Go to Tensioning rewind spring Lubricate the new spring with a few drops of non resinous oil Remove the rope rotor as described in Replacing the starter r...

Страница 137: ...cation out of the reach of children and other unauthorized persons Do not expose the container to direct sunlight for unnecessarily long periods UV rays can make the container material brittle which c...

Страница 138: ...out as specified the user assumes responsibility for any damage that may occur Among other things this includes Damage to the engine due to neglect or deficient maintenance e g of air and fuel filters...

Страница 139: ...ppressed or BPMR 7 A Electrode gap 0 5 mm Spark plug thread M 14 x 1 25 9 5 mm long Container capacity 141 Size of filler strainer 1 mm mesh Discharge rate 0 14 3 03 l min infinitely variable Quantity...

Страница 140: ...6 off the cotrol handle 7 Unscrew metering knob 8 of standard nozzle 9 Push the assembled elbow 10 supplied with the attachment into the fan hosing as far as stop Remove retainer 1 from the pleated ho...

Страница 141: the hose 16 Push the reducer 17 out of the container from inside and remove it together with the hose 16 Join up the twos haft shells 18 and secure them to the container and fan housing with the h...

Страница 142: ...www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 142...

Страница 143: ...www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 143...

Страница 144: ...www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 144...

Страница 145: ...www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 145...

Страница 146: ...www italiastar ro info italiastar ro 004 021 433 03 27 Italia Star Com Due S R L 146...

Страница 147: ...service due to abnormal usage conditions the repairs will be done and charged after my consent Seller _____________________________________ Buyer _____________________________________ Date of purchase...

Страница 148: ...d Italia Star assistance service When the user install on the machine non original or not indicated on the manual accessories When the product has been modified repaired disassembled from the buyer or...

Страница 149: ...149...

Страница 150: ...Italia Star Com Due S R L Autostrada Bucuresti Pitesti km 13 2 Loc Chiajna IF 004 021 433 03 27 info italiastar ro www italiastar ro www bisonte romania ro 150...
