BGA292 Adaptation (TC327LP, TC337LP, TC367DP, TC377TP)
Conversion board
Extender (optional)
Solder part
Ordering code:
Ordering code:
Ordering code:
Target can have too high electronic components placed around the microcontroller
within the Emulation Adapter (EA) ground floor, which impede connecting the EA to the
Target. In case of the BGA292 Adaptation, the distance of the EA from the Target can
be optionally increased in steps of 3,25 mm by inserting within the Adaptation setup
the optional Extender IA292LFBGA-EXTENDER. Not more than 2 extenders should be
used since every connector affects signal integrity.
With no Extender the lowest point of the EA is approx. 4,35 mm away from the
With one Extender the lowest point of the EA is approx. 7,6 mm away from the
With two Extenders the lowest point of the EA is approx. 10,85 mm away from the
Note that by adding an Extender or two, makes the whole setup less robust. Use
caution with Extenders to prevent breaking of the hardware setup or just part of it.
Measurement Board (optional)
Measurement Board
Ordering code: