OFF Mode:
The module is placed into off mode by pressing off button. Off button is used for reseting
alarm and failures. It is also used for stopping the engine. If off button is pressed while the
module is in auto or test mode, the module will de-energies start relay, pre-heat relay and
generator contactor output relay if they are energized and if the engine is running on load, the
module allow the alternator to run off load to cool it adequately. When the cooling time is
expired, the module de-energies the fuel solenoid and the engine are brought to rest. Cooling
time can be expired by pressing again off button while cooling the engine.
While the module is in off mode, by pressing the menu button, 41 parameters needed for
starting, stopping, controlling the generator and measuring mains voltage generator voltage
and frequency can be adjusted.
AUTO Mode:
The module is placed into auto mode by pressing auto button. If the mains voltage has no
failure, the module will supply the load with mains voltage. It will go on monitoring 3 phase
of the mains voltage and If a mains failure on any phase is detected, the load is switched off
from the mains and the module automatically will initiate to operate the generator by using
the parameters settings which are adjusted before
After the modules ensure that the engine is
not running, the start sequence is initiated. The fuel solenoid is energized and start motor is
engaged. The engine is cranked for the duration of crank timer. If the engine isn’t fired on the
first attempt and the crank timer expires, the module will rest the starter for the duration of
crank rest timer. Once this has expired, the module will once again attempt to start. This will
be repeated until either the engine fires or the pre-set number of attempts has been completed.
If the engine couldn’t fired, the module will indicate “fail to start/stop alarm”.
If the engine start is successful, the starter motor is disengaged and safety on timer is initiated.
Once the engine is running and safety on timer is expired, full fault protection is made
available. After the alternator contactor delay timer is expired, the module will open the mains
contactor relay and close the generator contactor relay. Now, the engine is running on load. If
there is any failure, the module will de-energies the generator contactor relay and fuel
solenoid relay (if the failure is shutdown failure).The engine is being stopped.
When the mains voltage returns within limits while engine is running, the mains return timer
is initiated. During this timer, mains contactor LED will blink. When this timer expires, the
module de-energies the both contactor outputs (because the mains contactor output is
normally closed).The engine is operated off load during cooling time. During cooling time,
the generator contactor LED will blink. When this timer expires, the module de-energies the
fuel solenoid and bring the module to rest. If it fails to stop, the module will indicate “fail to
start/stop alarm”.
TEST Mode:
The module is placed into test mode by pressing test button. This mode is used to simulate an
automatic start and will start the generator off load even the mains voltage is within the limits.