ISIC A/S makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this
manual, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or
fitness for any particular purpose. Further, ISIC A/S reserves the right to revise this
publication and to make changes to its content at any time, without obligation to notify any
person or entity of such revisions or changes.
Image sticking: If the monitor is operated with static images (logo’s etc) it will inevitably
lead to images sticking on the display (like on old CRT’s). This is not a permanently situation
and can be removed by operating the monitor with a completely black screen.
Computing devices and peripherals generate and radiate radio frequency energy, and if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions advised by ISIC A/S, it may cause
interference to radio communication.
The DuraMON series, manufactured by ISIC A/S, is designed to comply with the emerging
generic EEC standards, that cover applications in maritime environment.
The monitor is classified as “protected from the weather” according to IEC 60945 ed.4 (former
class b).
Approval according to IACS E10 ed. 6 and IEC 60945 ed. 4, Maritime navigation and radio
communication equipment and systems – General requirements.
ISIC A/S is complying with the WEEE directive within the European Union, stating that
electronic and electric products must be collected separately.
Products are marked according to the directive.
Copyright 2015 ISIC A/S
ISIC PN: 07009-000 rev. A
Edwin Rahrsvej 54
DK-8220 Brabrand
+45 70 20 70 77
+45 70 20 79 76
User Reference Manual – DuraMON 7” series
PN: 07009-000 Rev A Page 2