Ishida SR-2000a Touch Screen Scale and Printer
Quick Setup Instructions
Screen 4. Printer Memory Initialized
III. Install RF card
If the SR-2000a will be part of a wireless communication network the Symbol RF PCMCIA card
must be installed.
p/n 88313 Symbol PCMCIA RF card (LA-4121)
1. With the SR-2000a in OFF position remove left side white access panel.
2. Remove the small PCMCIA card bronze access cover by removing one Phillips screws.
3. Insert the Symbol PCMCIA card into the upper slot ("Slot 2").
See Figure 3.
: the RF card can be inserted into either slot but only the lower slot can be used for
some special functions.
4. Power Scale ON.
5. Confirm the green LED on the Symbol RF card begins to flash after 15 seconds.
: If the green LED does not flash, turn OFF power and fully reseat the card.
6. Replace the outer white access panel.
Rev 1, September 2006
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