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Basic terms
Super Android system is the administrator user account, which has the
authority to control the whole system, and only have the privileges to the
original system can be refreshed for the revision of the various systems;
Android application types, with the cab and the Windows Mobile platform,
like exe files, the user can be installed directly;
Eclari :
The name of one of the Android platform, version, and the
corresponding version number is 4.2, Crown use this version;
Core Android platform, browser, and now Apple's Safari, Google's
Chrome and FireFox are using this kernel as a web page rendering
To use Google Android mobile phone operating system developed
collectively, crown, etc.;
Push email solution to support Microsoft proprietary technology,
pre-primary mailbox servers at Microsoft (Exchange server) to provide support,
and now Google's Gmail also provided support
G-Sensor :
Is the acceleration sensors for mobile phones can provide the
direction of gravity sensors, which begin with the letter G represents the gravity,
the latter Snesor meant to represent the sensor