I.S.E. S.r.l.
Via Dell’artigianato 1/3
00065- Fiano Romano (RM)
Tel. 076540191-Fax 0765455386
5. Commissioning / Winterise
5.1.1 Connection
5.1.2 Measurements
Check of electrical function :
Before the water supply to the valve is opened, the coil has to be triggered through a control
unit. Through an acoustic “click” on the coil, the correct electrical function can be
determined. (The click arise through attracting the relay armature.)
Open water supply to the sprinkler slowly. Probably the valve opens for a short time, but
after 30 sec. it should close on its own.
After opening the water supply and after the max. working / operation pressure is reached,
every seal has to be checked / examined.
Check valves and sprinkler for perfect function, when opening the valve manual.
While operation of the sprinkler, there is the possibility to adjust the desired irrigation
sector on the spring stop [14].
After the complete ventilation of the sprinkler the current supply to the coil must be
stopped, than the sprinkler has to close.
Before beginning of the frost period the sprinkler has to be totally drained off.
Therefore there must be connected a powerful compressor on the network / main circuit.
Open the valve on the sprinkler until only air is coming out of the nozzle.
Sprinkler is equipped with a automatic drainage valve and could be winterised by gravity,
just by drainage the pipe.
After the drainage the solenoid has to be activated at least 5 times, so that remaining water
can be pressed out of the solenoid housing.
Sprinkler type
Installation height
450 mm
660 mm
Rising height
99 mm
206 mm
Outer Ø housing
246 mm
246 mm
Outer Ø lid
180 mm
242 mm