User Instruction
For special fitting demand, N95 Respirator 1514, TC-84A-7448.
Before occupational use of this respirator, a written respiratory protection program must be implemented meeting all the local government
requirements. In the United States, employers must comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 which includes medical evaluation, training, and fit testing.
This respirator helps protect against certain particles.
Misuse may result in sickness or death.
For proper use, see supervisor,
User Instructions, or
call +1 800 329 2235.
Company Name: ironwear
Address: 2020 SEABIRD WAY, RIVIERA BEACH, FL 33404
TEL: +1 800 329 2235
use the respirator or enter or stay in a contaminated area under the following circumstances:
Atmosphere contains less than 19.5%oxygen
Atmosphere contains oil aerosols if using N protection class respirator
For protection against gases or vapors
Contaminants or their concentrations are unknown or immediately dangerous to life or health
Concentrations or contaminants exceed maximum use concentrations in applicable OSHA standards or applicable government regulations or 10
times the PEL (Permissible Exposure Limit), whichever is lower
For sandblasting, paint-spray operations, asbestos
modify or misuse the respirator.
use the respirator with beards or other facial hair that interferes with direct contact between the face and the edge of the respirator, or
any other conditions that may prevent a good face-seal.
This respirator helps protect against non-oil particle contaminants. It may not eliminate the risk of contracting disease or infection.
Misuse may result
in sickness or death.
Materials which may come into contact with the wearer’s skin could cause allergic reactions to susceptible individuals.
FORMOREINFORMATION or assistance please contact with Manufacturer.
Follow these instructions each time respirator is worn.
Open the respirator and hold in one hand with the nosepiece at your fingertips, allowing the headbands to hang below your hand.
Press the respirator against your face with the nosepiece on the bridge of your nose.
Place the top band high on the back of your head. Move the bottom band over your head and position it below your ears.
Place your two fingertips from both hands at the top of the metal nosepiece. Using two hands mold the nose area to the shape of your nose by
pushing inward while moving your fingertips down both sides of the nosepiece.
Pinching the nosepiece using one hand may result in improper fit and less effective respirator performance. Use two hands.
Fit-check the face-seal as follows:
Place both hands over the respirator without disturbing its position
Inhale sharply, a negative pressure should be felt inside the respirator
If you detect air-leaks, readjust the nosepiece and/or head straps position,
If you cannot achieve satisfactory fit, do NOT enter the contaminated area. See your Supervisor.
Failure to follow all instructions and limitations concerning the use of the respirator and/or failure to wear the respirator for the whole duration
of exposure to contaminants can seriously reduce the performance characteristics of the respirator and lead to illness, injury or death.
Before use, the wearer must first be trained by the employer in the correct use of the respirator in accordance with applicable safety and health
OSHA standards including 29CFR1910.134 (e) (5) and CSA standard Z94.4-93 require that the wearer be fit-tested.
Discard the respirator and replace with a new one if:
Excessive clogging of the respirator causes breathing difficulty,
The respirator becomes damaged.
Leave the contaminated area if dizziness, irritation or other distress occurs.
This respirator has been tested and small punctures within ultrasonic welding areas are normal and do not interfere with the respirator
compliance with Part 84 approval requirements: (A) filtering facepieces are to be inspected prior to each use to assure there are no holes in a
breathing zone other than the punctures within ultrasonic welding areas and no damage has occurred, and (B) enlarged holes resulting from
ripped or torn filter material within ultrasonic welding areas punctures are considered damage.
S-Special Instruction Section:
The model 1514 filtering facepiece respirator has been manufactured by approval holder Suzhou Sanical for private label ironwear under TC-84A-7448.
IR1514UI A/0 Date: Oct 14 2021