888.793.6184 • 931.668.8860 • ironhorsetrailers.com • [email protected]
Congratulations! You have chosen an Ironhorse Trailer… the
motorcycle trailer that set the high bar for bike haulers. Not only is
your Ironhorse beautiful to look at, you will find it is a joy to tow, easy
to move by hand and kind to your wallet at the gas pump.
We strive for the highest quality possible, but our trailers and the parts
that go into them are built by people and we all know that people
sometimes make mistakes. That’s why your trailer has a four year
warranty, just in case. So if you have a problem, don’t hesitate to call
us. Our objective is to make sure every customer is a happy customer.
Should you have a problem with your trailer, even after the warranty
expires, call us first, we may be able to save you time and money—and
we do, of course, carry replacement parts in our inventory.
Thanks again for choosing an Ironhorse Trailer and please stop by if
you’re ever in the neighborhood. One of the things we hope makes us
stand out from other trailer manufacturers is that when a customer
brings his trailer to visit, we’ll go over it and do a check and clean up.
We wish you many happy days of towing your bikes to the beautiful
places to ride… and many happy hours in the saddle enjoying the
beautiful views our vast land has to offer.
Travel safely!
Ed and Julie Heard