– Good for wall tops or thinner surfaces
Concrete Wedge Anchor
– Good for thicker concrete slabs (4in or thicker)
Wood Lag
– Good for wood deck or patio surfaces
The aluminum fence system utilizes a flange post insert.
You will need to trim your posts to your desired height
before inserting the flange.
Before cutting your post, be sure to account for the height of
the post with the height of the fence panel and the gap
underneath. If you had a 6ft tall fence, 8.5ft post and
wanted a three-inch gap under the gate, you would cut the
post down to 6’3” before inserting the flange.
Before you insert the flange, tighten the adjusting bolt until
the two halves are almost touching or until there is some
resistance when you try to insert the flange into the post.
With the flange inserted into the post tighten it down until
the flange cannot be pulled out of the bottom of the post.
The holes on the aluminum flange inserts are 3/8”. We recommend using 5/16” or 1/4” sized hardware.
This will allow for a little wiggle room and easier installation while still fitting properly.
Installing Flange Posts to the Surface
While at the store, you will need to make sure you get a good masonry drill bit that is sized the correct
width and length to match your hardware. While you can use a standard drill, we recommend purchasing
or renting a drill with a hammer-drill action. The hammer action will make drilling go much faster and
smoother into concrete, brick or masonry work.
Set your posts around your layout at the proper spacing. For any ends near a wall, be sure to take into
account the flange that sticks out on each side.
As you set your posts, be sure to check they are standing level. You may need to shim under the flange to
get the post level if your surface is not level. Metal washers make for good shims.
With your posts laid out, use something to mark the holes on your surface that you will be drilling. It is
best to proceed one post at a time.
Move the post out of the way and drill your surface to the proper depth per the hardware you are utilizing.
Be sure to vacuum out the hole before you install the hardware. You may want to set the post back in
place as you drill each hole to ensure things are remaining lined up.
Figure. 14 - Aluminum Flange Insert