Robot Company
iRobot is a global leader in practical robots . Founded in 1990, iRobot designs and builds tactical mobile robots
that provide enhanced situational awareness and increase mission success for warfighters and first responders .
With nearly two decades of leadership in the robot industry, iRobot remains committed to establishing
platforms for invention and discovery, building key partnerships to develop mission-critical payloads and
delivering robots that improve the standards of safety and living worldwide .
This literature has been compiled for worldwide circulation. While general information, pictures and descriptions are provided, some illustrations and text may include product options
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© 2008-2009 iRobot Corporation . All rights reserved . iRobot, PackBot, and Aware are registered trademarks of
iRobot Corporation . Insight is a registered trademark of Insight Tech-Gear . Fido is a registered trademark of ICx Technologies . Hardigg is a registered trademark of Hardigg Industries .
Recoilless is a registered trademark of Proparms, Ltd . PAN Disrupter is a trademark of Ideal Products, Inc . FLIR and ThermoVision are registered trademarks of FLIR Systems, Inc .
PeraDis is a registered trademark of ELP GmbH . MultiRAE is a registered trademark of RAE Systems, Inc . [REV 0709_v4]