9602-N User Guide Version A
Document Number: 451-92695-001A
15 of 40
is in the ‘/’ position. A flathead screw driver can be used to turn the rotary switch to toggle
between the two settings.
Figure 4: External ON/OFF Setting for the 9602-NAL
Prior to turning off the 9602-NAL, issue a “flush memory” (AT*F) command to ensure all
memory-write activity is completed. When a 9602-NAL has been turned off, wait until power
has reached 0 V, and then wait more than 2 seconds before reapplying power to a unit.
Additionally, if a unit does not respond to AT commands, power off the module, wait 2 seconds,
and then power it back on. When a 9602-NAL is powered off, the power-on reset circuit
requires 2 seconds for voltages to decay. If the 2-second wait time is not adhered to, the reset
circuit may not operate and the 9602-NAL could be placed in a non-operational state. The state
is not permanent and can be rectified by the above procedure.
A DC supply indicator signal is provided by the 9602-NAL on pin #5, which could be used directly
for driving an LED to provide a visible indication that the 9602-NAL supply is on. Alternatively,
the output signal could be used in application logic to determine whether the internal 9602-
NAL power supply is on.
The digital output of pin #15 can be used to determine when the 9602-NAL has visibility to the
Iridium satellite network or the Iridium network is “available.” Network Available means that
the 9602-NAL can successfully receive the Ring Channel, or, put more simply, it can see an
Iridium satellite. Network Available is not a guarantee that a message is successfully sent. The
Network Available state is evaluated every time the Ring Channel is received or missed. If the
Ring Channel is visible, then it is updated every four seconds. If the Ring Channel is not
Rotary switch used
to set power on/off