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All technical data are subject to change w/o any notification
*) HDMI compatible Interfaces
BLANKOM EMU 8600 EN 2022 V1.1
EMU 8600
You can enable or disable the MPTS output (multiplexed Stream with max all single encoder parts combined):
The max bitrate can be chosen, but must be considered as a multicast occupying bandwidth at your IGMP-Switch.
We skip the part of IGMP protocol explanations for Multicast streams here as well as the ranges of Multicast
A DVB-MPTS as a multiplexed Transportstream (TS) from SAT, Terrestrial or CATV is usually a Constant bitrate stream
which is filled up with Zero’s on an extra PID 8191(decimal notation). This Nullpackets can be filtered out if needed:
Rem: In this case, we have only HDMI 1 and 2 as inputs… the others are in the MPTS but w/o content so they displayed
as Ghost PIDs.