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The Power Slide Control is intended for use on a closed circuit only. The Power Slide Control
is not road homologated. The Power Slide Control is not a safety component. Sliding losses
mean possible driver crash; the Power Slide Control aim is only to support the driver in this
phase, reducing or deleting, if possible, the sliding conditions. The Power Slide Control
does not guarantee the possibility of sliding off and driver’s crash. It is not guaranteed that
the Power Slide Control avoids crash of the bike with possible damage to the bike, driver
or third parts.
The Power Slide Control allows to user several settings both during installation and use. A
wrong setting could affect, partially or fully, the system effectiveness. Even the wrong
fitment of the front and rear sensors could affect the system performances. Take particular
care to chain adjustment operation that could misalign the rear sensor if not properly
The use of this product is at the sole discretion of the user. The manufacturer of this
product is not liable for any kind of damage or injury caused to the operator, vehicle, or to
third parts.
The Power Slide Control installation must be done according to following instructions. It’s
strongly suggested to test the Power Slide Control and the bike after the installation.
Each system modification, both hardware and software and
harness or single components, could affect the system functionality with of
damage or injury caused to the operator, vehicle, or to third parts and delete the
product warranty.
Installation must be done carefully following these instructions. Si consiglia di testare il
Power Slide Control. It’s strongly recommended to test the product and the bike after the
: Installation is a very critical operation for system effectiveness. Be
sure that it is done by clever and specialized personnel.
: Even in the case that the system is been installed and set by
specialized personnel, the end user must follow all tests according to the
procedure describe in the following paragraph 6th (Pre use tests).
The PSC is a race use only product so the warranty on its parts and components is only
ONE year from date of purchase.
This manual is issued on March. 5
2010 in Rev. 1.1. It’s end user responsibility periodically
visit the website www.irccomponents.com in order to check new releases of manual and
software. The eventual re-programming will be done free of charge except the shipment