5. Camera Operation
The Speed Dome camera will be controlled through the DVR using the arrow keys
etc. However, it is advised to use an external Speed Dome controller, for more
control over the camera.
5.1 Set Preset Position
Set the pan/tilt rotation range through the DVR and store the numbers in the
Dome Camera. The user can also transfer preset positions (refer to part 2
1. Set the Preset Position
Move the Dome camera to the position that you want it to face using the joystick
or DVR. To set the preset position, input the position number. The user can add
128 preset positions.
For example, to preset position 1, move the dome to the desired position. Then
input 1 and press ‘SET’.
Please Note:
This method will change depending on hardware used to control
and access the camera.
2. Transfer Preset Position
To jump or transfer from one preset position to another, simply input the prest
number into the DVR or external keyboard and press the “Call’ button.
For example, to transfer to preset position 1, press 1 and then press the ‘Call’
3. Clear Preset Position
To clear a preset position, input the preset number and then press ‘Clear’.