12v DC Input
Power Cable
Video Cable
1. Select a suitable position on the wall or
ceiling to install the camera. Take the
mounting bracket off the dome camera
by unscrewing the fixing screw using
the Allen key supplied.
2. Rotate the upper ring of the camera, it will
unscrew from the dome base. Be careful
when handling the camera as the parts
are not fixed to the upper ring or the
camera ‘ball’.
Using the Dome base as a guide, drill a
hole in the middle of the base circle on
the wall or ceiling where the camera is to
be mounted, to allow the power and video
cable to be fed through.
4. Screw the Dome base to the wall or ceiling
using the Wall Plugs and screws supplied.
5. Feed the Camera’s cable through the hole
and adjust the Camera ‘ball’ so the
camera is positioned in the correct
direction and at the correct angle
3. Installation