- Turn key switch.
- Release operating cutout key.
- Release parking brake.
Service and maintenance:
6.1 Before any cleaning or servicing work is carried out on the machine and before any
parts are replaced, the following precautions must be taken: the machine plug must be
removed from the battery socket, the key must be removed from the key switch and the
parking brake must be fixed so the machine cannot move.
When leaving the machine the operator should fix the parking brake, thus ensuring that
it cannot move whilst he is away.
6.2 The tyres should be examined at regular intervals for the presence of foreign bodies,
such as fragments of metal, splinters of broken glass etc. Any such objects should be
removed at once.
6.3 Clean the filters in the water tank regularly, min. twice a week.
6.4 Regularly check the state of the squeegee blades and if necessary turn them over or
replace them. See also 5.4 and 5.5.
6.5 Vacuum motor, water pump, solenoid valve and buzzer for reverse drive are below the
water tank. To check or to clean one of this parts the water tank must be tipped over
backwards by means of the handle on the front side of the water tank.
Attention! Empty first the tank completely before tipping over.
6.6 Also to change the brush head it is necessary to tip over the tank backwards. Than you
can see on the machine´s frame sticker “brush motor connectors”. You have to
disconnect the brush motor connectors first before you can change the brush head.
6.7 The tank should be hosed down or rinsed out regularly, so as to prevent any
accumulation of slime or bacteria. After cleaning operations have finished the lid of the
tank should always be left open to allow the tanks to dry out.
6.8 When cleaning is over for the day the outside of the machine should be rubbed down all
over (not wash down with a water-hose).
6.9 The built-in batteries are expensive and need continuous maintenance.
6.10 Important! Rooms where batteries are being charged should always be well
6.11 Before putting your battery machine into service, please make sure you have read our
enclosed leaflets:
- Special Instructions for the Use of Battery Type Machines and Chargers.
- Description resp. Operating instructions for the battery charger to be utilised.
- Operating instructions and/or servicing schedule for the battery.
6.12 If machines are taken out of service for a lengthy period they should be stored fully
charged and the battery plug is to plugged out.