00 03/18
for unpaved beds and greens
light technology:
230V Power LED / 3000K
system performance 8 W/340 lm/380 lm/540 lm/580 lm
technical information:
operating voltage 230V / 50Hz
connection cable H05RN8-F 3G0,75 with aquastop
protection class
safety class 1
For mounting on normal inflammable fixture surfaces
conformity mark
IK10+ shock protection
walk over resistant . not for drive-over
Disconnect the electrical installation.
This luminaire contains built-in LED lamps. The LED lamp
can be replaced by a certified installer in case of a failure of
the LED. In this case, please get in touch with your retailer.
The luminaire can be dimmed with an approved leading- or
trailing edge dimmer. Please contact IP44.de service center
for a list of approved dimmers.
Regularly clean luminaire from dirt and deposits.
Do not use a high pressure cleaner for cleaning.
Please note care instructions at www.IP44.de.
We point out that the electric connection of light fixtures has
to be done by a certified installer.
We assume no accountability for damages which are a result
of non-appropriate mounting or application of the luminaire.
Modifications on the luminaire will result in loss of warranty.
Access only suitable for pedestrians and not for drive-over
use. When the luminaire glass gets wet, there is a risk of pe-
destrians slipping.
assembly instructions:
The luminaire may not come into contact with highly acidic or
alkaline soils, or with other aggressive substances, chemicals,
fertilizers or bark mulch.
The luminaire housing must not be installed in heat-insulating
or inflammable materials, nor be filled-in.
For the absorption of residual moisture, keep the sachet with
desiccant inside the luminaire housing.
The installation is provided solely for unpaved soil, such
as gravel beds and beds.
Installation of the asymmetric luminaire has to be made
according to requested light direction.
in A . in S
instructions for use