User manual
Digital T
rrestrial TV R
If you wish to possess the same software on several receivers, you can
duplicate it (inter-receiver copying) with the assistance of an RS-232 “Null
Modem” (female-female) cable.
After connecting both receivers with the RS-232 cable, you should follow the
instructions below.
Using the back “Master” switch of the receiver (the one with the software
to be transferred), turn it on.
Access the option “RS-232 Update” of the “Software Updating” menu on
the “Tools” menu, and press the OK button.
You will be asked to type in your password.
In the “Transfer Mode” option, select the option “P2P”, place the cursor on
the option “Start” and press the OK button.
Now turn on the “Slave” receiver (the one to be updated), using the back
Updating will take a few minutes, so please wait until it is finished.
Once the transfer process is finished, a confirmation message will appear
on the (Master) receiver.
11.4.- Update by RS 232