Welcome to a new world of adventure!
Enhanced by the world's most advanced
optical design and cutting-edge optical
processing, iOptron
108 double
air-spaced 108mm Apochromatic doublet
refractor offers a versatile platform that
delivers exceptional performance for both
visual observing and astrophotography. With
outstanding color correction and crisp imaging
you'll be able to view beautiful images through
your eyepiece, CCD camera, or DSLR
These instructions will help you set up and
properly use and care for your telescope.
Please read them over thoroughly before
getting started.
Getting Started
Your telescope comes fully assembled from
the factory. The optics have been installed
and collimated, so you should not have to
make any adjustments to them. Keep the dust
covers on the telescope when it is not in use.
Mounting the Telescope
The iOptron Versa
108 is a perfect mate for
the iOptron MiniTower™ series goto
altazimuth mount, or the iEQ
goto equatorial
mount. You need a dovetail rail (either Vixen
or Losemandy-D type one depends on your
mount’s dovetail saddle) to mount the scope
onto an telescope mount.
Use of Optional Accessories
Your telescope does not come with eyepieces
and diagonal so as to offer the greatest
flexibility in configuring it to your needs.
The 2” compression ring accessory holder
accepts 2” eyepieces, star diagonals, camera
adapters, etc. The 1.25” compression ring
adapter slips into the 2” holder. This lets you
use optional 1.25” accessories (eyepiece, star
diagonal, camera adapter, terrestrial image
erecting diagonal, DSI-type camera, etc.)
Selecting an Eyepiece
Always begin viewing with the lowest power
eyepiece. (Note: a 20 mm focal length
eyepiece has a lower power than a 10 mm
one.) A formula can be used to determine the
power of each eyepiece: Telescope focal
length divided by eyepiece focal length equals
Ex. 648mm ÷ 20mm = 32.4X (magnification)
Focusing Telescope
Point the telescope so the front end is aimed
in the general direction of an object you wish
to view. When you first look in the eyepiece,
the image you see may be fuzzy, or out of
focus. If so, gently turn the focus knob with
your fingers until the image becomes sharp.
Go a little bit beyond sharp focus until the
image just starts to blur again. Then reverse
the rotation of the knob just to make sure
you’ve hit the exact focus point. You will have
to readjust the focus when aiming at subjects
of varying distances, or after changing