- 5 -
Mode 7 (-)70%, (+)30%;
Mode 8 (+)70%, (-)30%;
Mode 8 is the most practical working mode which is suitable for most
of the people. Press TIME button can adjust working process.
Ion concentration value is displayed on the lower right corner of the screen. The
perfect value range is between 2.5-2.8. If the value is lower than 0.6, the icon
which means more salt is needed will flash. If the value is higher than 3.0, the icon
which means more water is needed will flash and make beep sound. Either add
more water to lower the concentration to 3.0 or adjust the intensity value to 2 or 1.
There are three grades of working intensity
, if the ion concentration value
higher than 3.3, the machine will stop working automatically.