1. Make sure both Serial adapters are TURNED OFF
2. Set one adapter as Master (Switch 4 = On), and the other
as Slave (Switch 4 = Off)
3. Make sure to set matching Baud rates on both serial
adapters; else they will not be able to communicate.
4. Connect the serial adapters back-to-back, using the
included Null Modem adapter
5. Power ON both Serial adapters
6. Almost instantly, the Blue LED will light up and stay solid;
this indicates successful pairing
7. Disconnect both serial adapters and Power them OFF
8. You may now connect each adapter to your desired serial
device for communication
9. Power ON both serial adapters, the blue LED will blink on
both serial adapters indicating connection is in progress;
which usually takes about sixty (60) seconds
10. After successful connection is made, the blue LED on both
serial adapters will turn off and remain off
NOTE: Once you have paired both Bluetooth serial adapters, if
you turn them off, please allow approximately sixty (60)
seconds when turning them back on to re-establish a