IO-Power Technology Co., Ltd
1F,No.100, Jinzhu Rd., North Dist., Hsinchu City 30053, Taiwan
勁電科技有限公司 台灣 新竹市北區金竹路 100 號 1 樓 Tel: +886-3-5429395 Fax: +886-3-5357297
Form No.:IOP-DOC-011-001 4 / 22 Retention Period:6Y
Trademark and Copyright Notice
IOP-USSS-12V3556-OA series is Cloudy-Solar Collection Model online power voltage regulator
power systems; IO-Power Technology Limited a registered trademark.
All parts of the product, including software and accessories, their copyrights are owned by
IO-Power Technology Limited, without IO-Power Technology license, transcript may not be any
imitation, copying or translation.
Product specifications and information referred to in this manual are for reference only,
specification changes, without prior notice, please consult with agent or dealer before purchase
latest product specification data.
About this manual
This manual discusses IO-Power Technology Cloudy-Solar Collection Model online power
voltage regulator power systems, through the operation of the content of this article to address the
problems of outdoor power-seizing.
This manual uses the following criteria to communicate instructions and information:
C-LiFePO4 Lithium Batteries
Readers’ “attention”. These attentions to include the special conditions referred to
in this manual or use the recommendation and note references.
Readers’ “beware”. In this case, readers can result in equipment damage or risks.
Hazard. Means that there is a potential risk that can result in physical damage.
Before using any equipment, please pay attention to the risks associated with the
circuit, as well as familiar with standard practices required to prevent accidents
from happening.
Bold: It means an important function and set of steps that require your attention.