INVENTOR L3VI-18 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 100


4. Puneți la loc capacul cablajelor și strângeți apoi șurubul

5. Închideți panoul.


• Toate firele unității interioare și ale unității exterioare trebuie legate de un


• Dacă lungimea cablului electric de legătură nu este suficientă, vă rugăm

contactați furnizorul pentru unul nou. Evitați extinderea firului pe cont propriu.

• Pentru aparatul de aer condiționat cu ștecher, ștecherul trebuie să ajungă

după instalare.

• Pentru aparatul de aer condiționat fără ștecher, un comutator aerian

trebuie instalat pe fir. Comutatorul trebuie să fie multipolar iar separarea de

contact nu trebuie să fie mai mare de 3mm

Instalarea unității interioare

3. Dați la o parte clema cablului; conectați cablul electric de legătură la terminalul

de cablare conform culorii; strangeți șurubul și apoi fixați cablul electric de legătură

cu clemă pentru cabluri

power connection




2. Treceți cablul electric de legătură prin

orificiul pentru cablu din spatele unității

interioare și apoi trăgeți-l afară prin partea


N(1) 2




Legătură unitate exterioară





Содержание L3VI-18

Страница 1: ...OR Για τη σωστή χρήση της μονάδας παρακαλούμε διαβάστε προσεκτικά το παρόν εγχειρίδιο και φυλάξτε το για αναφορά στο μέλλον Thank you for choosing INVENTOR air conditioning system For correct use of this unit please read this manual carefully and keep it for future reference L3VI 18 L3VO 18 L3VI 24 L3VO 24 Κ Λ Ι Μ Α Τ Ι Σ Τ Ι Κ Α Σ Υ Σ Τ Η Μ Α Τ Α ...

Страница 2: ...2 125 50 50 2087 5 Περιεχόμενα Πληροφορίες λειτουργίας Προφυλάξεις 1 Ονομασία εξαρτημάτων Οδηγός Λειτουργιών Οθόνης Κουμπιά στο τηλεχειριστήριο Εισαγωγή για τα κουμπιά στο τηλεχειριστήριο Εισαγωγή στα κουμπια συνδιαστικών λειτουργιών Οδηγός λειτουργίας Αντικατάσταση των μπαταριών στο τηλεχειριστήριο Λειτουργία έκτακτης ανάγκης Συντήρηση Καθαρισμός συντήρηση Δυσλειτουργία Ανάλυση Δυσλειτουργιών Σημ...

Страница 3: ... τον αντιπρόσωπο σέρβις ή από άλλο εξειδικευµένο πρόσωπο προκειµένου να αποφευχθεί ο κίνδυνος Μην ψεκάζετε νερό πάνω στην εσωτερική µονάδα Μπορεί να προκαλέσει ηλεκτροπληξία ή δυσλειτουργία Τα παιδιά δεν πρέπει να παίζουν µε τη συσκευή Ο καθαρισµός και η συντήρηση της µονάδας δεν θα πρέπει να γίνεται από παιδιά χωρίς επίβλεψη Μην πλένετε το κλιµατιστικό µε νερό για να αποφύγετε ηλεκτροπληξία Μετά ...

Страница 4: ...αλάσει Μην επισκευάζετε το κλιµατιστικό µόνοι σας Μπορεί να προκληθεί ηλεκτροπληξία ή βλάβη Παρακαλούµε επικοινωνήστε µε τον αντιπρόσωπο όταν θα πρέπει να επιδιορθώσετε το κλιµατιστικό Μην πατάτε πάνω στην εξωτερική µονάδα ή µη τοποθετείτε βαριά αντικείµενα πάνω στη µονάδα Αυτό µπορεί να προκαλέσει βλάβη ή τραυµατισµό Όταν ισχύουν κάποια από τα παρακάτω φαινόµενα παρακαλούµε να απενεργοποιήσετε το...

Страница 5: ...την εγκατάσταση της µονάδας Συνδέστε σώστα την πρίζα στην υποδοχή Βεβαιωθείτε οτι αποσυνδέετε την µονάδα απο την παροχή ρεύµατος πριν προχωρήσετε σε οποιαδήποτε εργασία που σχετίζεται µε την παροχή ηλεκτρικού ρεύµατος και την ασφάλεια Η ασφάλεια θα πρέπει να έχει το σωστό µέγεθος Ο ασφαλειοδιακόπτης να είναι εξοπλισµένος κατάλληλα ετσι ώστε να αποφεύγονται βραχυκυκλώµατα Το κλιµατιστικό πρέπει να ...

Страница 6: ...της κατηγορίας ηλεκτρική συσκευή Θα πρέπει να είναι κατάλληλα συνδεµένη από έναν επαγγελµατία Παρακαλώ βεβαιωθείτε ότι είναι πάντα γειωµένη αποτελεσµατικά διαφορετικά µπορεί να προκληθεί ηλεκτροπληξία Η θερµοκρασία του ψυκτικού κυκλώµατος θα είναι υψηλή παρακαλώ κρατήστε το καλώδιο διασύνδεσης µακριά από το σωλήνα χαλκού Εάν το καλώδιο τροφοδοσίας έχει υποστεί ζηµιά πρέπει να αντικατασταθεί από το...

Страница 7: ...ντέλα που έχουν αντίσταση προθέρµανσης συµπιεστή είναι 20 C 24 C Αν χρειαστεί να µετεγκαταστήσετε το κλιµατιστικό σε άλλο µέρος απευθυνθείτε σε εξειδικευµένο προσωπικό ιαφορετικά µπορεί να προκληθεί τραυµατισµός ή βλάβη Για το κλιµατιστικο χωρίς βύσµα πρέπει να εγκατασταθεί στη γραµµή µια ασφάλεια λειτουργίας Επιλέξτε µια θέση που είναι µακριά από τα ζώα ή τα φυτά Αν είναι αναπόφευκτη η παρουσία π...

Страница 8: ...Δέκτης σήματος Οθόνη ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ Το πραγµατικό προϊόν µπορεί να είναι διαφορετικό από την παραπάνω γραφική παράσταση ανατρέξτε στα πραγµατικά προϊόντα Φίλτρα Ένδειξη λειτουργίας Ένδειξη θέρμανσης Ένδειξη θέρμοκρασίας Ένδειξη Αφύγρανσης Η θέση και το περιεχόµενο των ενδείξεων µπορεί να διαφέρει από τα παραπάνω Ανατρέξτε στο πραγµατικό µοντέλο ...

Страница 9: ...Αφύγρανσης Πράσινο χρώµα 7 Ονοµασία εξαρτηµάτων Ένδειξη ψύξης Ένδειξη λειτουργίας Ένδειξη θέρµανσης Ένδειξη θέρµοκρασίας Ένδειξη αφύγρανσης Ένδειξη θέρµοκρασίας Ένδειξη αφύγρανσης Οθόνη Ένδειξη θέρµοκρασίας έκτης σήµατος Οθόνη Ένδειξη θέρµοκρασίας έκτης σήµατος G W R Οθόνη LED µε χρωµατιστές ενδείξεις Ενεργοποιηµένη λειτουργία Πράσινο χρώµα Απενεργοποιηµένη λειτουργία Κόκκινο χρώµα Λειτουργίες µε ...

Страница 10: ... TURBO 13 Πλήκτρο λειτουργίας SLEEP 14 Πλήκτρο φωτεισµού οθόνης Πλήκτρο ρολογιού Πλήκτρο Περσίδων Ένδειξη TURBO Ένδειξη σήµατος λειτουργίας Ένδειξη Θερµοκρασίας Ένδειξη ρυθµισµένης ώρας Λειτουργία Χρονοδιακόπτη ΟΝ OFF Ένδειξη κλειδώµατος Ένδειξη περσίδων πάνω κάτω Ένδειξη ταχύτητας ανεµιστήρα Ένδειξη φωτισµού Ενδειξη είδους θερµοκρασίας Ενδειξη Θερµοκρασίας Εξωτερική θερµοκρασία περιβάλλοντος Εσωτ...

Страница 11: ...ινάει σε αυτόµατη λειτουργία AUTO Στην αυτόµατη λειτουργία η θερµοκρασία δεν εµφανίζεται στην οθόνη Οταν το κλιµατιστικό λειτουργεί στην θέρµανση η αρχική θερµοκρασία ειναι 28 C 82 F Στις υπόλοιπες λειτουργίες η αντίστοιχη θερµοκρασία είναι 25 C 77 F Πλήκτρο 3 Η θερµοκρασία που αναφέρεται στην οθόνη µπορεί να µειωθεί Πατώντας αυτό το κουµπί µπορείτε να ρυθµίσετε την θερµοκρασία πατώντας συνέχεια γ...

Страница 12: ...υτερόλεπτα Κατά την διάρκεια που το σύµβολο αναβοσβήνει πιέστε ξανά το πλήκτρο ρύθµισης της ώρας και θα εµφανίζεται συνέχεια και αυτό σηµαίνει ότι η ρύθµιση της ώρας πραγµατοποιήθηκε επιτυχώς Middle fan Low fan AUTO High fan OFF Πλήκτρο CLOCK 8 Πλήκτρο TIMER ON Λειτουργίες πλήκτρων του χειριστηρίου Με το πλήκτρο αυτό µπορείτε να ρυθµίσετε την ώρα αυτόµατης έναρξης του κλιµατιστικού Μετά το πάτηµα ...

Страница 13: ...τε την λειτουργία του κλιµατιστικού η θερµοκρασία που βλέπετε είναι η οριζόµενη Μόλις πιέσετε αυτό το πλήκτρο ενεργοποιείται η λειτουργία παύσης του χρονοδιακόπτη όπου το εικονίδιο TIMER OFF αναβοσβήνει Η µέθοδος ενεργοποιήσης του TIMER OFF είναι ακριβώς η ίδια µε αυτήν του TIMER ON Πατήστε αυτό το πλήκτρο για να ενεργοποιήσετε απενεργοποιήσετε την λειτουργία Turbo Με την λειτουργία Turbo επιτυνχά...

Страница 14: ...ήγορα Λειτουργία BLOW over heat Η λειτουργία ισχύει για συγκεκριµένα µοντέλα Όταν η µονάδα βρίσκεται σε λειτουργία θερµότητας ή αυτόµατη λειτουργία θέρµανσης ο συµπιεστής και ο εσωτερικός ανεµιστήρας βρίσκεται σε λειτουργία για να απενεργοποιήσετε τη µονάδα ο συµπιεστής και εξωτερικός ανεµιστήρας θα σταµατήσουν να λειτουργούν Οι περσίδες επιστρέφουν στην οριζόντια θέση και ο εσωτερικός ανεµιστήρας...

Страница 15: ... µε το χρόνο που επιθυµείτε να λειτουργεί το κλιµατιστικό σας 3 Για να ενεργοποιήσετε ή να απενεργοποιήσετε τον φωτισµό LIGHT πιέστε αυτό το πλήτκρο 4 Εαν θέλετε να ενεργοποιήσετε την λειτουργία Turbo πιέστε αυτό το πλήτκρο Οδηγός λειτουργίας Όταν το κλιµατιστικό είναι απενεργοποιηµένο πιέστε και κρατήστε το πλήκτρο MODE για 2 δευτερόλεπτα για να περάσετε στη λειτουργία αποπάγωσης H1 Μετά την ενερ...

Страница 16: ...ική µονάδα Η απόσταση του τηλεχειριστηρίου από την εσωτερική µονάδα δεν θα πρέπει να είναι µεγαλύτερη των 8 µέτρων και δεν θα πρέπει να υπάρχουν εµπόδια µεταξύ τους Η εκποµπή εντολής µπορεί να επηρεαστεί εύκολα όταν υπάρχουν στο χώρο λάµπες φθοροίου ή ασύρµατα τηλέφωνα Το τηλεχειριστήριο πρέπει να βρίσκεται κοντά στην εσωτερική µονάδα κατά την διάρκεια λειτουργίας του κλιµατιστικού l Κάντε αντικατ...

Страница 17: ...οποιήσετε ή να απενεργοποιήσετε το κλιµατιστικό Οταν ενεργοποιήσετε το κλιµατιστικό κατα αυτο τον τρόπο λειτουργεί στο Αυτόµατο ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ Απενεργοποιήστε το κλιµατιστικό και αποσυνδέστε το από την παροχή ρεύµατος για την αποφυγή ηλεκτροπληξίας Μη πλενετε το κλιµατιστικο µε νερό Κίνδυνος Ηλεκτροπληξίας Μη χρησιµοποιείτε διαβρωτικό υγρό για τον καθαρισµό του κλιµατιστικού Καθαρισµός της πρόσοψης της ε...

Страница 18: ...θέτηση του φίλτρου οτι έχει στεγνώσει πάρα πολύ καλά Επανατοποθετήστε το φίλτρο όπως φαίνεται στην παρακάτω εικόνα Έπειτα κλείστε προσεκτικά την πρόσοψη της εσωτερικής μονάδας Το φίλτρο της εσωτερικής μονάδας θα πρέπει να καθαρίζεται τουλάχιστον ανα 3 μήνες Σε περίπτωση που το περιβάλλον που λειτουργεί το κλιματιστικό ειναι επιβαρυμένο με σκόνη ή ρύπους συνιστάται ο πιο συχνός καθαρισμός Μην αγγίζ...

Страница 19: ...µόναδας Σημείωση για την ανακύκλωση της μονάδας 1 Πολλά από τα υλικά συσκευασίας είναι ανακυκλώσιµα Παρακαλούµε απορρίπτετε τα υλικά συσκευασίας µε τρόπο ασφαλή για το περιβάλλον 2 Σε περίπτωση που θελήσετε να απορρίψετε το παλιό σας κλιµατιστικό απευθυνθείτε στις τοπικές αρχές προκειµένου να παραδοθεί σε ειδικό κέντρο περισυλλογής και ανακύκλωσης ηλεκτρονικών και ηλεκτρολογικών εξαρτηµάτων και εξ...

Страница 20: ...λεπτά Έπειτα ξανατοποθετήστε την πρίζα και ενεργοποιήστε το κλιµατιστικό Η εµβέλεια για την ικανότητα λήψης εντολών είναι εως 8 µέτρα από την εσωτερική µόναδας Αποµακρύνετε τα εµπόδια Επιλέξτε τη σωστή γωνία όπου ο ποµπός εντολών του τηλεχειριστηριόυ βλέπει τον αισθητήρα λήψης εντολών της εσωτερικής µονάδας Ελέγξτε τις µπαταρίες Εάν η ισχύς τους είναι χαµηλή αντικαταστήστε τις Λειτουργείστε το τηλ...

Страница 21: ...Ο αέρας από την εσωτερική µονάδα παγώνει γρήγορα µετα από λίγο η θερµοκρασία και το επίπεδο υγρασίας πέφτει και το λευκό νέφος αέρα εξαφανίζεται Φαινόµενο Ελεγχος κατάστασης Επίλυση εν µπορείτε να ρυθµίσετε την επιθυµητή θερµοκρασία Το κλιµατιστικό λειτουργεί στην αυτόµατη λειτουργία AUTO MODE Η θερµοκρασία δεν µπορεί να αλλάξει κατα την λειτουργία AUTO Εάν θέλετε να αλλάξετε την θερµοκρασία θα πρ...

Страница 22: ... µέσα στην εσωτερική µονάδα Ειναι φυσιολογική λειτουργία Θορυβος σπασίµατος Μόλις ενεργοποιήσατε ή απενεργοποιήσατε την λειτουργία του κλιµατιστικού Λόγω αλλαγής της θερµοκρασίας τα πλαστικά ή άλλα µερη του κλιµατιστικού συστέλλονται ή διαστέλλονται µε αποτέλεσµα να ακούγεται θόρυβος σαν σπάσιµο Το κλιµατιστικό ξεκίνησε ξαφνικά να λειτουργεί Υπάρχει παρεµβολή όπως κεραυνός ή ασύρµατες συσκευές κλπ...

Страница 23: ...ν πρίζα αµέσως Στην συνέχεια επικονωνήστε µε το εξουδιοστηµένο σερβις για την επισκευή της βλάβης Το καλωδιο παροχής ρεύµατος έχει υπερθερµανθεί η καταστραφεί Υπάρχει ασυνήθιστος ήχος κατα την λειτουργία Ο ασφαλιειοδιακόπτης πέφτει συχνά Μυρωδιά καµµένου βγαίνει από το κλιµατιστικό Υπάρχει διαρροή από την εσωτερική µονάδα Κωδικοί βλάβης Οταν προκύπτει κάποια βλάβη η ένδειξη θερµοκρασίας ή η εσωτερ...

Страница 24: τουλάχιστον 15cm τουλάχιστον 300cm Απόσταση από το ταβάνι Απόσταση απο εμπόδια τουλάχιστον 15cm τουλάχιστον 15cm Απόσταση απο τον τοίχο Απόσταση απο τον τοίχο ιάγραµµα προτεινόµενης τοποθέτησης Απόσταση από το πάτωμα ...

Страница 25: ...σωλήνα 6 Δυναμόκλειδο 7 Κλειδί τύπου Άλεν 8 Κόφτη σωλήνα 9 Ανιχνευτή διαρροής 10 Αντλία κενού 11ΜετρητήςΠίεσης 12 Μέτρο 13 Εσωτερικό εξάγωνο κλειδί 14 Ταινία μετρήματος Σημείωση Παρακαλούμε καλέστε το εξουδιοδοτημένο σέρβις ή πιστοποιημένο τεχνικό για την εγκατάσταση του κλιματιστικού σας Μην χρησιμοποιείτε ακατάλληλο καλώδιο παροχής ρεύματος Βασικές προϋποθέσεις Εσωτερική μονάδα Η εγκατάσταση του...

Страница 26: ... να αντικατασταθεί µόνο από εξειδικευµένο τεχνικό ωστε να αποφευχθεί πιθανός τραυµατισµός 8 Η θερµοκρασία του ψυκτικού κυκλώµατος θα ειναι υψηλή Κρατήστε το καλώδιο µακριά από τους ψυκτικούς σωλήνες χαλκού 9 Η συσκευή πρέπει να εγκατασταθεί µε βάση τους διεθνείς κανονισµούς καλωδιώσεων 1 Το κλιµατιστικό σας είναι ηλεκτρική συσκευή πρώτης κλάσης Πρέπει να υπάρχει κατάλληλη γείωση µε ειδική συσκευή ...

Страница 27: ...τηθεί σωστά και συγκρατείται σταθερά από τις βίδες Αν τα πλαστικά παρεµβίσµατα είναι χαλαρά ανοίξτε άλλη τρύπα σε διπλανό σηµείο 1 Επιλέξτε την τρύπα στον τοίχο για τις ψυκτικές σωληνώσεις σύµφωνα µε την κατεύθυνση των σωληνώσεων από την εσωτερική µονάδα Η τρύπα αυτή θα πρέπει να είναι λίγο χαµηλότερα από την βάση στήριξης όπως φαίνεται στο διάγραµµα παρακάτω Βήµα Τρίτο Άνοιγµα τρύπας σωληνώσεων Α...

Страница 28: ...εξιά κόψτε τη σχετική τρύπα στο κάτω πλαινό µέρος του κλιµατιστικού Κόψτε την τρύπα Αριστερά Δεξιά 1 Οι σωληνώσεις µπορούν να βγούν προς τα δεξιά ή πίσω δεξιά αριστερά ή πίσω αριστερά Αριστερά Πίσω αριστερά εξιά Πίσω δεξιά Βήµα Τέταρτο Εγκατάσταση εσωτερικής µονάδας Ρακόρ Σύνδεσµος σωληνώσεων Σωλήνας Εσωτερική 5 10 Εξωτερική Φ70 Φ55 Σημείωση Όταν ανοίγετε τις τρύπες προσέξτε ώστε να µην µείνει µέσ...

Страница 29: ...ρικής µονάδας ώστε να εµποδίσετε τα συµπυκνώµατα Πλαστικά εξαρτήµατα σύνδεσης και επέκτασης δεν παρέχονται 1 Ανοίξτε την πρόσοψη αφαιρέστε τη βίδα από το κάλυµµα των καλωδίων και κατεβάστε το κάλυµµα καλωδίων κάλυμμα καλωδίων βίδα Πρόσοψη Βήµα Έβδοµο Σύνδεστε το καλώδιο της εσωτερικής µονάδας 4 Τυλίξτε τις ψυκτικές σωληνώσεις µε το αντίστοιχο µονωτικό υλικό και τυλίξτε το µε ταινία Εγκατάσταση εσω...

Страница 30: ...ην εγκατάσταση Για τα κλιµατιστικά που δεν διαθέτουν φις ένας ασφαλειοδιακόπτης πρέπει να εγκατασταθεί στην παροχή ρεύµατος Ο ασφαλειοδιακόπτης θα πρέπει να είναι τριπολικός µε απόσταση επαφής µεγαλύτερη από 3mm 3 Αφαιρέστε το προστατευτικό κάλυµµα από την κλέµµα και συνδέστε το καλώδιo της παροχής ρεύµατος στις αντίστοιχες θέσεις σύµφωνα µε το χρώµα Σyσφίξτε τις βίδες και επανατοποθετείστε το κάλ...

Страница 31: ...α είναι µπερδεµένα κατα την τύλιξή τους Ο σωλήνας αποχέτευσης πρέπει να τοποθετηθεί κάτω από τις ψυκτικές σωληνώσεις και τα καλώδια drain hose band Σωλήνας σύνδεσης Καλώδιο παροχής ρεύµατος εσωτερικής µονάδας Βήµα Ένατο Κρέµαστε την εσωτερική µονάδα 1 Τοποθετείστε τις σωληνώσεις µέσα σε µια πλαστική προστατευτική σωλήνα και περάστε τη µέσα από την οπή του τοίχου 2 Κρεµάστε την εσωτερική µονάδα επά...

Страница 32: ...ρεί να προκληθεί ηλεκτρική διαρροή Το καλώδιο παροχής ρεύµατος πληρεί τις απαιτούµενες προδιαγραφές Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση µπορεί να προκληθεί δυσλειτουργία η καταστροφή κάποιων µερών της συσκευής Υπάρχει κάποιο εµπόδιο στις εισόδους ή στις εξόδους του αέρα Μπορεί να προκληθεί ανεπαρκής απόδοση ψύξης ή θέρµανσης Έχει αφαιρεθεί η σκόνη και τυχόν άλλα σωµατίδια που δηµιουργήθηκαν κατά την εγκατάστ...

Страница 33: ...αρακάτω πίνακα δίνεται η απαιτούµενη ποσότητα συµπλήρωσης ψυκτικού υγρού σύµφωνα µε τη γραµµή υγρού του κάθε µηχανήµατος και είναι διαφορετική για διαφορετικές διατοµές της γραµµής υγρού Ανατρέξτε στο παρακάτω πινακα Απόδοση Ψύξης Απόδοση Ψύξης 5000Btu h 1465W 24000Btu h 7032W 7000Btu h 2051W 28000Btu h 8204W 9000Btu h 2637W 36000Btu h 10548W 12000Btu h 3516W 42000Btu h 12306W 18000Btu h 5274W 480...

Страница 34: ...6 Φ6 or Φ9 52 Φ12 Φ16 Φ19 Φ22 2 Φ9 52 ή Φ12 Φ16 ή Φ19 Φ19 ή Φ22 2 Φ25 4 ή Φ31 8 _ _ Ψύξη και θέρµανση g m 15 15 30 60 250 250 350 350 120 120 50 20 Γραµµή αερίου mm Γραµµή υγρού mm Εξωτερική µονάδα Ψύξη g m ιάµετρος σωλήνα σύνδεσης ιαµόρφωση των ψυκτικών σωληνώσεων ...

Страница 35: ...νάδας και την βάνα της εξωτερικής τοποθετήστε το αντιστοίχως στον σωλήνα ρακόρ σωλήνας E Εκχείλωση των άκρων Σηµείωση Η απόσταση Α είναι διαφορετική και εξαρτάται από την διάµετρο του σωλήνα Παρακαλούµε ανατρέξτε στον πίνακα παρακάτω Εκχειλωτής άκρο σωλήνα σωλήνας Ζ Έλεγχος Έλεγξτε την ποιότητα της εκχείλωσης Εαν παρατηρήσετε οποιαδήποτε ανωµαλία στην επιφάνεια ή ασυµµετρία επαναλάβετε την εκχείλω...

Страница 36: ...εί η εγγύηση Συµπληρώστε τα απαιτούµενα στοιχεία κατόχου εµπόρου και συσκευής και πατήστε αποστολή Επιλέξτε την εγγύηση που αντιστοιχεί στο προϊόν που έχετε στην κατοχή σας Θα λάβετε επιβεβαιωτικό µήνυµα στο e mail σας για την ενεργοποίηση της εγγύησης Για την υποβολή ηλεκτρονικών εγγυήσεων πληκτρολογήστε την παρακάτω διεύθυνση http www inventoraircondition gr egiisi inventor Σκανάρετε εδω για τα ...

Страница 37: ...Notices Precautions 1 Parts Name 6 ScreenOperation Guide Buttons on remote controller 8 8 Introduction for buttons on remote controller 9 Introduction for special function 12 Operation guide 13 Replacement of batteries in remote controller 14 Emergency operation 15 Maintenance Clean and Maintenance 15 Malfunction Malfunction analysis 18 Installation Notice Installation dimension diagram 22 Tools f...

Страница 38: ...ce Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision years and above and persons with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved Do not wash the air conditioner with water to avoid electric shock ...

Страница 39: ...damage 2 Precautions conditioner and disconnect power immediately and then If the air conditioner operates under abnormal conditions it may cause malfunction electric shock or fire hazard Do not spill water on the remote controller otherwise the electric shock or damage Please contact dealer when you need to repair air conditioner Do not repair air conditioner by yourself It may cause objects It m...

Страница 40: ...efore using the air conditioner An all pole disconnection switch having a contact separation Must follow the electric safety regulations when installing the unit grounding wire of power socket Properly connect the live wire neutral wire and any work related to electricity and safety Be sure to cut off the power supply before proceeding Including an circuit break with suitable capacity please Air C...

Страница 41: ...onnected by a professional national wiring regulations requirement of NEC and CEC by authorized personnel only 4 Precautions wire which can t be used for other purposes The grounding resistance should comply with national electric safety regulations The air conditioner is the first class electric appliance It keep the interconnection cable away from the copper tube The temperature of refrigerant c...

Страница 42: ...talled in the line For the air conditioner without plug an circuit break Select a location which is out of reach for children and For the air conditioner with plug the plug should be Working temperature range Indoor side DB WB C Outdoor side DB WB C Maximum cooling 32 23 43 26 Maximum heating 27 24 18 The operating temperature range outdoor temperature for cooling is 15 43 Heating temperature rang...

Страница 43: ...cts Parts Name Indoor Unit remote control air inlet panel aux button horizontal louver air outlet heating indicator temp indicator cooling indicator power indicator receiver window drying indicator display NOTICE Actual product may be different from above graphics please refer to actual products ...

Страница 44: ...or display For some model For some model For some model For some model heating indicator temp indicator cooling indicator power indicator receiver window drying indicator display G W R Power LED color indicator Green status ON Red status OFF Mode LED color indicator White W Cool Mode Red R Heat Mode Green G Dry Mode O W R Power LED color indicator Green status ON Red status OFF Mode LED color indi...

Страница 45: ...ton TIMER OFF button TURBO button 13 SLEEP button 14 LIGHT button CLOCK button button Turbo mode Send signal Set temperature Set time TIMER ON TIMER OFF Child lock Up down swing Set fan speed Light Temp display type Set temp Outdoor ambient temp Indoor ambient temp Sleep mode Clock Heat mode Fan mode Dry mode Cool mode Auto mode Operation mode 1 3 5 7 9 12 2 4 6 8 11 10 14 13 X fan mode ...

Страница 46: button Auto Cool Dry Fan Heat mode can be selected circularly Auto mode button 3 Presetting temperature can be decreased Press this button the temperature can be set up button 4 For presetting temperature increasing Press this button can set up the temperature when unit is on Continuously press and hold this button for more than 2 seconds the corresponding contents will be changed rapidly until...

Страница 47: ...on ten place of Minute will be increased 1 During blinking repress the Clock button signal will be constantly displayed and it denotes the setting succeeded After powered on 12 00 is defaulted to display and signal is Clock value otherwise is Timer value will be displayed If there is signal be displayed that denotes the current time value Middle fan Low fan AUTO High fan OFF CLOCK button 8 Timer O...

Страница 48: ...he setting temperature if the temperature s displaying status is changed from other status to control signal that will return to display the setting temperature if the users haven t set up the temperature displaying status that will display the setting temperature This function is applicable to partial of models After powered on the setting temperature displaying is defaulted according to cust ome...

Страница 49: ...ction is applicable to partial of models When the unit is running in Heat mode or Auto Heat mode compressor and indoor fan is running to turn the unit off the compressor outdoor fan will stop running The upper and lower guide board rotate to horizontal position then the indoor fan will run at low fan speed 10s later the unit will turn off that the ambient temp approachs the preset temp as soon as ...

Страница 50: ...e between Celsius and Fahrenheit after entering defrost H1 function the temperature value to be switched will be displayed firstly before display of H1 after 5 seconds 1 After powered on press ON OFF button the unit will Optional operation 1 Press SLEEP button to set sleep 2 Press TIMER ON and TIMER OFF button can set 3 Press LIGHT button to control the on and off of the 4 Press TURBO button can r...

Страница 51: ...n point the remote control signal sender at the receiving window on indoor unit The distance between signal sender and receiving window should be no more than 8m and there should be no obstacles between them or wireless telephone remote controller should be close to indoor unit during operation Replace new batteries of the same model when replacement is required When you don t use remote controlle...

Страница 52: the air conditioner The operation in details are as below WARNING NOTICE Turn off the air conditioner and disconnect the power before cleaning the air conditioner to avoid electric shock Do not wash the air conditioner with water to avoid electric shock Do not use volatile liquid to clean the air conditioner Clean surface of indoor unit When the surface of indoor unit is dirty it is recommende...

Страница 53: ... the filter is very dirty use the water below 45 to clean it and then put it in a shady and cool place to dry Install the filter and then close the panel cover tightly The filter should be cleaned every three months If there is much dust in the operation environment clean frequency can be increased After removing the filter do not touch fins to avoid injury Do not use fire or hair dryer to dry the...

Страница 54: ... damaged 1 Disconnect power supply 2 Clean filter and indoor unit s panel Notice for recovery 1 Many packing materials are recyclable materials Please dispose them in appropriate recycling unit 2 If you want to dispose the air conditioner please contact local dealer or consultant service center for the correct disposal method NOTICE Checking before use season NOTICE Checking after use season ...

Страница 55: Pull out the plug Reinsert the plug after about 3min and then turn on the unit again Signal receiving range is 8m Remove obstacles Select proper angle and point the remote controller at the re ceiving window on indoor unit Check the batteries If the power of batteries is too low please replace them Take the remote controller close to indoor unit Turn off the fluoresent lamp and then try it ag...

Страница 56: ...or temperature and hum idity is high Because indoor air is cooled rapidly After a while indoor temperature and humidity will be decrease and mist will disappear Phenomenon Check items Solution Set temper ature can t be adjusted Unit is operating under auto mode Temperature can t be adju sted under auto mode Please switch the operation mode if you need to adjust temperature Your required temperatur...

Страница 57: ...he noise is the sound of refrigerant flowing inside the unit which is a normal phenomenon Cracking noise Air conditioner is turned on or turned off just now This is the sound of friction caused by expansion and or contraction of panel or other parts due to the change of temperature Air conditio ner operates abnormally suddenly Whether there s interference such as thunder wireless devices etc Disco...

Страница 58: ...n for service Power cord is overheating or damaged There s abnormal sound during operation Air switch trips off frequently Air conditioner gives off burning smell Indoor unit is leaking If the air conditioner operates under abnormal conditions it may cause Malfunction analysis Error Code When air conditioner status is abnormal temperature indicator on indoor unit will blink to display correspondin...

Страница 59: ...22 Installation dimension diagram At least 250cm At least 15cm At least 300cm Space to the ceiling Space to the obstruction At least 15cm At least 15cm Space to the wall Space to the wall ...

Страница 60: ... 3 Impact drill 4 Drill head 5 Pipe expander 6 Torque wrench 7 Open end wrench 8 Pipe cutter 9 Leakage detector 10 Vacuum pump 11 Pressure meter 12 Universal meter 13 Inner hexagon spanner 14 Measuring tape Note Please contact the local agent for installation Don t use unqualified power cord Basic requirement Indoor unit Installing the unit in the following places maycause malfunction If it is una...

Страница 61: ...d it must be replaced by the manufacturer its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard 8 The temperature of refrigerant circuit will be high please keep the interconnec tion cable away from the copper tube 9 The appliance shall be installed in accordance with national wiring regulations 1 The air conditioner is the first class electric appliance It must be properly g...

Страница 62: ...ould be a little lower than the wall mounted frame shown as below Step three open piping hole Left Wall Φ70mm Right Mark in the middle of it Level meter Rear piping hole Wall Space to the wall above 150mm Space to the wall above 150mm Φ70mm Rear piping hole 2 Open a piping hole with the diameter of Φ55 or Φ70 on the selected outlet pipe position In order to drain smoothly slant the piping hole on ...

Страница 63: out the pipe from left or right please cut off the corresponding hole on the bottom case cut off the hole left right 1 The pipe can be led out in the direction of right rear right left or rear left left rear left right rear right Step four outlet pipe Installation of indoor unit union nut pipe joint pipe Indoor 5 10 outdoor Φ70 Φ55 Note Pay attention to dust prevention and take relevant safety ...

Страница 64: ...he indoor drain hose in order to prevent condensation The plastic expansion particles are 1 Open the panel remove the screw on the wiring cover and then take down the cover wiring cover screw panel Step seven connect wire of indoor unit 4 Wrap the indoor pipe and joint of con Installation of indoor unit torque wrench open end wrench indoor pipe pipe union nut Hex nut diameter Tightening torque N m...

Страница 65: ... must be installed in the line The air switch should be all pole parting and the contact parting distance should be more than 3mm 3 Remove the wire clip connect the power connection wire to the wiring terminal according to the color tighten the screw with wire clip power connection wire cable cross hole 2 Make the power connection wire go through the cable cross hole at the back of indoor unit and...

Страница 66: ...eparately at the end Note The power cord and control wire can t be crossed or winding The drain hose should be bound at the bottom drain hose band connection pipe indoor power cord Step nine hang the indoor unit 1 Put the bound pipes in the wall pipe and then make them pass through the wall hole 2 Hang the indoor unit on the wall mounting frame 3 Stuff the gap between pipes and wall hole with seal...

Страница 67: ... unit grounded securely It may cause electric leakage Does the power cord follow the speci fication It may cause malfunction or damaging the parts Is there any obstruction in the air inlet and outlet It may cause insufficient cooling heating capacity The dust and sundries caused during installation are removed It may cause malfunction or damaging the parts The gas valve and liquid valve of connect...

Страница 68: refrigerant charging amount per meter is different according to the diameter of liquid pipe See the following sheet Additional refrigerant charging amount prolonged length of liquid pipe additional refrigerant charging amount per meter Cooling capacity Cooling capacity 5000Btu h 1465W 24000Btu h 7032W 7000Btu h 2051W 28000Btu h 8204W 9000Btu h 2637W 36000Btu h 10548W 12000Btu h 3516W 42000Btu h...

Страница 69: ...0A and R134a Diameter of connection pipe Liquid pipe mm Gas pipe mm Φ6 Φ6 or Φ9 52 Φ9 52 or Φ12 Φ12 Φ16 Φ19 Φ22 2 Φ16 or Φ19 Φ19 or Φ22 2 Φ25 4 or Φ31 8 _ _ Cooling only g m Cooling and heating g m 15 15 30 60 250 250 350 350 120 120 50 20 Outdoor unit throttle ...

Страница 70: ... and prevent the burrs from getting into the pipe downwards pipe shaper C Put on suitable insulating pipe D Put on the union nut Remove the union nut on the indoor connection pipe and outdoor valve install the union nut on the pipe union pipe pipe E Expand the port Expand the port with expander Note A is different according to the diameter please refer to the sheet below expander hard mold pipe F ...

Страница 71: ...NOTES ...

Страница 72: ...t aparat nu este destinat utilizării de către persoane inclusiv copii cu capacități fizice senzoriale sau mentale reduse sau lipsite de experiență și cunoștințe cu excepția cazului în care acestea au fost supravegheate și instruite cu privire la utilizarea aparatului de către o persoană responsabilă pentru siguranța lor Copiii trebuie supravegheați pentru vă asigura că nu se joacă cu acest aparat ...

Страница 73: ...oate constitui pericol de incendiu Deconectați alimentarea cu electricitate în timpul curățării aparatului de aer condiționat există risc de electrocutare În cazul în care cablul de alimentare este avariat trebuie înlocuit de către producător agentul de vânzări sau o altă persoană cu calificări asemănătoare pentru a evita pericolul Nu spălați aparatul de aer condiționat cu apă pentru a evita elect...

Страница 74: ... deconectați l de la alimentarea electrică iar apoi contactați vânzătorul sau personalul calificat pentru service Cablul de alimentare se supraîncălzește sau este avariat Există sunete anormale în timpul utilizării Întrerupătorul de circuit se declanșează în mod frecvent Aparatul de aer condiționat emană un miros de ars Unitatea interioară are scurgeri Dacă aparatul de aer condiționat funcționează...

Страница 75: ...luzând un întrerupător de circuit cu capacitate adecvată vă rugăm observați următorul tabel Un comutator aerian trebuie să includă cuplaj magnetic și funcție de cuplaj la încălzire putând astfel proteja de scurtcircuit și supraîncălzire Aparatul de aer condiționat trebuie să aibă împământare adecvată O împământare neadecvată poate cauza electrocutare Nu folosiți cablu de alimentare neomologat Asig...

Страница 76: ...alat în conformitate cu reglementările naționale de cablare Instalarea trebuie efectuată în conformitate cu reglementările naționale doar de către personal autorizat Aparatul de aer condiționat este un aparat electric de primă clasă Trebuie să aibă o împământare adecvată prin instrumente de împământare specializate realizate de un profesionist Asigurați vă că este mereu împământat corect altfel po...

Страница 77: ...echer un întrerupător de circuit trebuie instalat pe linie Dacă trebuie să mutați aparatul de aer condiționat în alt loc doar o persoana calificată poate efectua această lucrare În caz contrar poate cauza vătămare corporală sau daune materiale Alegeți o locație care nu este la îndemâna copiilor și departe de animale sau plante Dacă acest lucru nu este posibil vă rugăm puneți împrejmuire în scopuri...

Страница 78: ...tru buton auxiliar fantă de ventilație orizontală evacuare aer ATENȚIE Produsele reale pot fi diferite de imaginile de mai sus vă rugăm consultați produsele reale Conținutul afișajului sau pozițiile acestuia pot fi diferite de graficul de mai sus vă rugăm consultați produsul real ...

Страница 79: ...cator de răcire indicator de încălzire indicator temperatură Indicator funcționare cu LED Verde pornit Roșu oprit fantă de colectare afișaj indicator temperatură fantă de colectare indicator temperatură indicator de uscare afișaj indicator funcționare fantă de colectare indicator temperatură afișaj fantă de colectare indicator de încălzire indicator de răcire indicator funcționare indicator de usc...

Страница 80: ... SLEEP modul de veghe 14 Buton iluminare butonul CLOCK buton Turbo mode Indicator trimitere semnal Setare temperatură Setare timp Temporizator oprit pornit Blocare taste Oscilare sus jos Setare viteză de ventilare Iluminare Mod afișare temperatură Setare temperatură Temperatura exterioară Temperatura interioară Mod de noapte Ceas Modulul automat Modulul de răcire Modulul de uscare Modulul ventilaț...

Страница 81: ... butonul pentru a porni opri aparatul Dacă opriți sau porniți aparatul funcțiile TIMER și SLEEP se vor anula dar timpul setat se va păstra Apăsarea o dată a acestui buton poate selecta în mod circular modulul dorit ca mai jos pictograma corespunzătoare se va aprinde după selectarea modulului Modul AUTO este implicit la pornirea aparatului În modul auto temperatura nu este afișată În modul HEAT val...

Страница 82: ...apăsate mai lung se va mari de la 0 5 secunde la 1 În timp ce acesta pâlpâie indicatorul respectiv va fi afișat tot timpulș acest lucru însemnând că operația a fost terminată Daca acest indicator este aprins înseamnă ca pe ecran este afișată ora în caz contrar este funcția TIMER temporiza torul de oprit pornit Atunci când aparatul este oprit apăsați acest buton pentru a seta pornirea temporizatoru...

Страница 83: ...N funcția nu este disponibilă Apăsarea acestui buton ar putea alege afișarea temperaturii de setare de interior sau temperatura mediului ambiant interior În cazul în care unitatea interioară este abia pornită va afișa setarea de temperatură dacă starea de afișare a temperaturii este schimbată de la un status la afișează temperatura ambiantă 5s mai târziu sau în 5s acesta primește alt semnal de con...

Страница 84: ... Dacă funcția nu este activată aparatul se va opri imediat ce este apasat butonul de pornit oprit Dacă este activată nu se va afișa temperatura iar apatul va funcționa în concor danță cu temperatura din cameră în mod automat selectând modul de lucru potrivit pentru a face un aer confortabil Dacă funcția este activată aparatul va funcționa la viteză mare în modul de răcire sau încălzire astfel încâ...

Страница 85: ... degivrare H1 valoarea temperaturii va putea fi schimbată înainte de 5 secunde după intrarea în funcția H1 1 După legarea la curent apăsați butonul ON OFF de pe telecomandă pentru a porni aparatul de aer condiționat 2 Apăsați butonul MODE pentru a alege modulul necesar AUTO COOL DRY FAN HEAT automat de răcire de uscare de ventilație de încălzire 3 Apăsați butonul sau pentru a seta tempratura dorit...

Страница 86: ...emițătorul de semnal al telecomenzii către fereastra de primire semnal a unității interioare Distanța dintre transmiterea semnalului și fereastra de primire nu trebuie să fie mai mare de 8 metri și nu trebuie să fie obstacole între ele Semnalul poate fi întrerupt ușor în camerele unde există lămpi fluorescente sau telefoane wireless telecomanda trebuie să fie aproape de aparat în timpul funcționăr...

Страница 87: vedem în imagine deschideți panoul apăsați butonul auxiliar pentru a porni sau a opri aparatul de aer condiționat Când aparatul de aer condiționat este pornit acesta va funcționa sub modulul automat Opriți aparatul de aer condiționat și deconectați de la electricitate înainte de a curăța aparatul de aer condiționat pentru a evita electrocutarea Nu spălați aparatul de aer condiționat cu apă pent...

Страница 88: ...noului Folosiți aspiratorul de praf sau apă pentru a curăța filtrul Cănd filtrul este foarte murdar folosiți apă sub 45 o C pentru a l curăța apoi așezați l la umbră într un loc răcoros pentru a se usca Filtrul trebuie curățat o dată la trei luni Dacă există mult praf în mediul de funcționare se poate crește frecvența curățării După îndepărtarea filtrului nu atingeți fantele pentru a nu vă răni Nu...

Страница 89: sunt în stare buna 3 Verificați dacă filtrul este curat 4 Verificați dacă țeava de scurgere este în stare bună 1 Deconectați cablul de alimentare 2 Verificați filtrul și panoul unității interioare 1 Multe materiale din ambalaj sunt materiale reciclabile Vă rugăm să le aruncați în unități de reciclare corespunzătoare 2 Dacă vreți să aruncați aparatul de aer condiționat vă rugăm contactați reprez...

Страница 90: ...ară ajunge la temperatura setată Modulul de încălzire este abia pornit Eliminați obstacolele După atingerea temperaturii setate unitatea interioară nu mai suflă aer Pentru a preveni suflarea de aer rece unitatea interioară va porni după o întârziere de câteva minute un fenomen absolut normal Scoateți din priză Bagați din nou în priză după aproximativ 3 minute iar apoi porniți din nou aparatul Inte...

Страница 91: ...ficat pentru a vă înlocui cablajul Așteptați 3 minute după care porniți din nou aparatul Resetați funcția Temperatura interioară și umiditatea sunt mari Unitatea funcționează în modulul automat Temperatura cerută depășește intervalul setat de temperatură Este voltajul prea mic Este filtrul murdar Temperatura setată se află în interval Este deschisă ușa sau fereastra Așteptați revenirea la normal a...

Страница 92: ...he noise is the sound of refrigerant flowing inside the unit which is a normal phenomenon Cracking noise Air conditioner is turned on or turned off just now This is the sound of friction caused by expansion and or contraction of panel or other parts due to the change of temperature Air conditio ner operates abnormally suddenly Whether there s interference such as thunder wireless devices etc Disco...

Страница 93: pentru service Poate fi eliminată după repornirea aparatului Dacă nu contactați personal calificat pentru service Vă rugăm contactați personal calificat pentru service Vă rugăm contactați personal calificat pentru service Vă rugăm contactați personal calificat pentru service Când are loc fenomenul de mai jos vă rugăm opriți aparatul de aer condiționat și întrerupeți imediat alimentarea electri...

Страница 94: ...a dimensiunilor de instalare Cel puțin 250 cm Cel puțin 15 cm Celpuțin300cm Spațiu până la tavan Spațiu până la obstacol Cel puțin 15 cm Cel puțin 15 cm Spațiu până la zid Spațiu până la zid Spațiu până la podea ...

Страница 95: ... aer 2 Locuri cu dispozitive cu frecvențe înalte ca dispozitive de sudură echipament medical 3 Locuri de lângă coastă 4 Locuri cu uleiuri sau fum în aer 5 Locuri cu gaze sulfuroase 6 Alte locuri cu împrejurări speciale 7 Nu folositți aparatul în imediata apropiere a unei spălătorii băi zonă de duș sau unei piscine 1 Nu trebuie să existe obstacole lângă admisia sau evacuarea aerului 2 Alegeți o loc...

Страница 96: ...e vânzare sau altă persoană cu calificare asemănătoare pentru a evita un pericol 8 Temperatura circuitului frigorific poate fi înaltă vă rugăm țineți cablul de interconectare departe de tubul de cupru 9 Aparatul trebuie instalat în conformitate cu reglementările naționale de cablare 1 Aparatul de aer condiționat este un aparat electric de primă clasă Trebuie să aibă o împământare adecvată prin ins...

Страница 97: ...plastic iar apoi montați diblurile pe perete 3 Fixați cadrul de montare pe perete cu șuruburi filetate ST4 2x25TA și verificați apoi fixarea fermă a cadrului prin tragere Dacă diblurile nu sunt fixe vă rugăm dați altă gaură de fixare în apropiere 1 Alegeți poziția orificiului pentru țeavă conform direcției țevii de evacuare Poziția orificiului pentru țeavă trebuie să fie puțin mai jos decât cadrul...

Страница 98: ...ificiul Diblurile nu sunt incluse și trebuie achiziționate local 1 Țeava poate fi scoasă la dreapta pe spate la stânga la stânga sau pe spate la dreapta 1 Îndreptați racordul țevii către capătul lărgit corespunzător al țevii 2 Strângeți puțin piulița de legătură cu mâna 3 Potriviți efortul de torsiune cu refer ință la următorul tabel Puneți cheia simplă pe racordul țevii și puneți cheia dinamometr...

Страница 99: ...he indoor drain hose in order to prevent condensation The plastic expansion particles are 1 Open the panel remove the screw on the wiring cover and then take down the cover wiring cover screw panel Step seven connect wire of indoor unit 4 Wrap the indoor pipe and joint of con Installation of indoor unit torque wrench open end wrench indoor pipe pipe union nut Hex nut diameter Tightening torque N m...

Страница 100: ... condiționat fără ștecher un comutator aerian trebuie instalat pe fir Comutatorul trebuie să fie multipolar iar separarea de contact nu trebuie să fie mai mare de 3mm Instalarea unității interioare 3 Dați la o parte clema cablului conectați cablul electric de legătură la terminalul de cablare conform culorii strangeți șurubul și apoi fixați cablul electric de legătură cu clemă pentru cabluri power...

Страница 101: ...tă Cablul de alimentare și cablul de control nu pot fi intersectate sau cotite Furtunul de scurgere trebuie legat la capăt Bandă Teavă de legătură cablu de alimentare interior Pasul nouă agățarea unității interioare 1 Puneți țevile legate în țeava din zid și apoi treceți le prin orificiul pentru țeavă din zid 2 Agățați unitatea interioară pe cadrul de montare de pe perete 3 Umpleți golul dintre țe...

Страница 102: Aparatul poate cădea vibra sau face zgomot Poate cauza o răcire încălzire insuficientă Poate cauza condens și picurarea apei Poate cauza condens și picurarea apei Poate cauza defectarea sau funcționarea incorectă a componentelor Poate cauza defectarea sau funcționarea incorectă a componentelor Poate cauza scăpări electrice Poate cauza defectarea sau funcționarea incorectă a componentelor Poate ...

Страница 103: ...area țevii de legătură 4 Uleiul suplimentar al agentului frigorific și umplerea cu agent frigorific după extinderea țevii de legătură După ce țeava de legătură este lungită cu 10m la baza lungimii standard trebuie adăugați 5ml de ulei al agentului frigorific pentru fiecare 5ml în plus de țeavă de legătură Modalitatea de calcul al cantității de agent frigorific suplimentar de umplere bazat pe țeava...

Страница 104: ...ametru țeavă de legătură Țeavă de lichide mm Țeavă de gaz mm Φ6 Φ6 or Φ9 52 Φ12 Φ16 Φ19 Φ22 2 Φ9 52 or Φ12 Φ16 or Φ19 Φ19 or Φ22 2 Φ25 4 or Φ31 8 _ _ Doar răcire g m Răcire și încălzire g m 15 15 30 60 250 250 350 350 120 120 50 20 Accelerație unitate exterioară Configurarea țevii de legătură ...

Страница 105: ...ra Îndepărtați bavura cu formatorul și împiedicați bavura să intre în țevi C Atașați țevi izolatoare adecvate D Atașați piulița de legătură Dați jos piulița de legătură de pe țeava de legătură interioară și supapa exterioară instalați piulița de legătură pe țeavă expansor mulaj tare țeavă lungimea este egală extindere neadecvată înclinat suprafață deterioarată crăpat grosime inegală suprafață lină...

Страница 106: ......
