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1. Place the rear drive assembly and the front chassis assembly in line and offer
up to one another ensuring the locating post is above the mounting pin. Refit
the locking pin into its position.
2. Refit the batteries in their locations and secure with the Velcro safety straps.
3. Refit the rear chasis cover.
4. Replace the seat adaptor.
Lift the seat back onto the seat adaptor and pull up the red lever to set the seat
into position.
The INVAMED SOVEREIGN Scooter is supplied with 2 maintenance free, gel type 30
A/h sealed lead acid batteries. Battery performance can be affected by temperature, terrain
and the weight of the user etc. The battery level indicator is only a guide and is most
effective when the scooter is moving, only then is the true discharge level displayed.
When the scooter stops the battery level indicator may indicate full.
An active user can use up to 30% of battery capacity or more per day. Inactive users may
only use
of battery capacity in a week.
In both these instances the battery should be put on charge over night.
Battery Charger
Batteries are specially designed and require an automatic battery charger. These chargers
have an electronic switch that will terminate the charge when the batteries are fully
The battery charger is a 3-amp transformer off board type. To charge the batteries connect
the plug lead into the battery -charging socket on the scooter and plug in the 3-pin plug
into the wall socket and switch on. The battery charger has two indicator lights. The red
light shows constant when the battery charger is connected, if the red light flashes there is
a break in the connection. The green light will flash when the batteries are receiving
charge. The green light will be constant when the charge is complete.
Caution: Always ensure that the charging lead is in good condition
and has not been damaged or stretched.