E. The rear casters are unlocked.
F. Make sure the legs are in the maximum open posi-
tion and the shifter handle is locked in place.
When elevated a few inches off the surface be-
ing transferred from and before moving the pa-
tient, check again to make sure that the sling is
properly connected to the attachment points of
the stand up lift. If any attachments are NOT prop-
erly in place, lower the patient back onto the sur-
face and correct this problem.
Adjustments for safety and comfort should be
made before moving the patient.
Invacare standing and transport slings are spe-
cifically designed to be used in conjunction with
the Invacare Stand Up Lift. Slings and accessories
designed by other manufacturers or other Invac-
are slings are not to be utilized as a component
of Invacare’s stand up lift system. Use of these
products is prohibited and will void Invacare’s
stand up lift warranty. Use only genuine Invacare
standing and transport slings and lift accessories
to maintain patient safety and product utility.
If transferring from a wheelchair: Wheelchair wheel
locks MUST be in the locked position BEFORE low-
ering the patient into the wheelchair.
3. Transferring from a wheelchair - Lock the wheel locks
of the wheelchair.
4. Press the UP (
) button to raise the patient above
the surface (bed, wheelchair or commode) being trans-
ferred from. The patient should be elevated just high
enough to clear the surface with their weight fully sup-
ported by the lift.
NOTE: The lower center of gravity provides stability mak-
ing the patient feel more secure and the lift easier to move.
NOTE: The lift arms will stay in position until the
button is pressed.
5. Move the patient to the desired surface. Refer to
MOVING THE PATIENT in this section of the
Refer to the patient sling Owner’s Manual, 1023891
for complete lifting preparation information.
NOTE: The stand up lift may be operated by one (1)
healthcare professional for ALL lifting preparation, trans-
ferring from and transferring to procedures with a coop-
erative, weight--bearing individual able to support the ma-
jority of his/her own weight. However, since medical con-
ditions vary, Invacare recommends that the healthcare
professional evaluate the need for assistance and deter-
mine whether more than one (1) assistant is appropriate
in each case to safely perform the transfer.
1. Instruct the patient to do the following:
A. Hold onto the hand grips on both sides of the stand
up lift.
B. Lean back into the standing or transport sling.
STANDING SLINGS - Before lifting the patient, make
sure the bottom edge of the standing sling is po-
sitioned on the lower back of the patient and the
patient's arms are outside the standing sling.
TRANSPORT SLINGS - Before lifting the patient,
make sure the bottom edge of the transport sling
is at the base of the spine and the patient's arms
are outside the transport sling.
Invacare does NOT recommend locking the rear
casters of the stand up lift when lifting and trans-
ferring an individual. Doing so could cause the lift
to tip and endanger the patient and assistants.
Invacare DOES recommend that the rear casters
be left UNLOCKED during lifting and transferring
procedures to allow the stand up lift to stabilize
itself when the patient is initially lifted from and trans-
ferred to a chair, bed or any stationary object.
2. Make sure of the following:
A. Patient's knees are secure against the knee pad.
B. Patient's feet are positioned on the footplate as
shown in STEP 2B of FIGURE 1.
C. The bottom edge of the:
Standing Sling is positioned on the lower back.
Transport Sling is at the base of the patient's spine.
D. The patient's arms are outside of the standing or
transport sling.