Cleaning the Instrument
The surfaces of your instruments should be cleaned after every use. Use a soft cloth
to remove dirt, dust, earwax and residue from cosmetics or colognes. Keeping the
instruments as clean as possible will help avoid
costly repairs.
Only use cleaning products recommended by your
hearing healthcare professional. Please refer to
“Things that Can Damage Your Hearing System”
for more information.
Cleaning the Sound Inlet and Outlet
Refer to the diagram on pages 4-5 to locate the
sound inlet and sound outlet on the hear ing instrument.
Cleaning the Microphone Sound Inlet
Keeping the sound inlet clean will allow the microphone
to function properly. Use the soft brush provided with
your hearing system to remove dust or other debris
from the sound inlet.
Cleaning the Sound Outlet
Earwax or other debris may also collect in the sound outlet. Unless filters
have been installed to block the debris, the cleaning loop provided with your
hearing instrument can easily be used to remove this material.
When using this tool, be careful not to damage or pull the tubing placed at the opening
of the sound outlet. If this is pulled out, the hearing instrument may need to be returned
for repair.
Your hearing healthcare professional can instruct you on how to properly use the clean ing
loop and soft brush.
If your hearing system has been equipped with filters, please refer to the “Earwax
Management” section.