Proper Placement in the Ear
There is a blue indicator for left ear instruments, and a red
indicator for right ear instruments.
Hold the instrument with your thumb and forefinger,
either on the sides (as shown) or above and below.
Insert the instrument into your ear canal.
Do not force the instrument beyond a comfortable point.
Switch on your hearing instrument.
: Insertion can be easier if you gently pull your ear backward
with your other hand. Opening and closing your mouth while
inserting may also be helpful.
If you need further help, your hearing healthcare professional will be glad to show you
how to insert your hearing instrument correctly.
: If the instrument irritates your ear in any way, please contact your hearing healt-
hcare professional. You should never attempt to modify the shape of the custom shell
Locate and grasp the removal cord
Pull the instrument gently from the ear.
Using the Telephone While Wearing your Hearing System
Close proximity to a telephone can sometimes cause hearing instruments to make a
squealing sound, also known as feedback. To reduce the potential for this problem,
your system is equipped with feedback suppression, which greatly reduces the chance
of feedback.
Further measures to avoid feedback include positioning the
phone close to the hearing instrument, but not directly on the
instrument. If there is feedback, it may take a few seconds for
the instrument’s signal processing to adapt. This technique may
require practice.