HD 625
Instruction & Admin Manual
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InterTest, Inc. • 303 Route 94 • Columbia, NJ 07832
+1 (908) 496-8008 •
Released 8-20-21
3. Then power on the board using a PC
4. The LCD screen should show either 914 or 954 depending on what was set on DIP7
5. If it shows a regular main menu then DIP8 is in the ON position. Turn it off and cycle power.
6. Start the EM_Download_Tool software o The tool should say “USB Init OK” at the top
7. Select “Browse” and navigate to the supplied *914*.bin or *954*.bin file depending on
which you are trying to program
8. Select “Download” and within ~10 seconds the download should be successfully completed
9. If you want to program the other SerDes then flip DIP7 and power cycle the board, following
from step 3 onwards.
10. Once you have programmed both Flash chips set DIP8 to the ON position to enter RUN `
mode next time you power cycle the board.
SCB300B AEQ Procedure
The SCB300B board adds a new AEQ mode that replaces the special firmware we had for the
This AEQ mode is accessed by setting DIP6 to the ON position, but follow the steps below for best
1. Set DIP6 to the OFF position (this is normal running mode).
2. Power up the board with the camera head you wish to measure connected
3. Once the system is up and running and you see an image flip DIP6 to the On position
4. Within a few seconds you should see the LCD screen readout an AEQ value a. It will tell you which
camera head was detected
b. If there is no camera it will say there is no lock
c. At this point you can unplug/replug cameras to redo AEQ measurements but the most reliable
measurement is made with the camera plugged in before powering on the system, and with AEQ mode
off at first and then turned on after the camera is running.
5. You can turn off AEQ mode by flipping DIP6 to the Off position. The main menu will return.