intertechno MasterGate
Your home is now part of a smart and connected network!
We’re delighted to be able to help you step into the future! Your home
is now intelligent and will react to you. The intertechno MasterGate
turns all intertechno receivers built in 1995 or later into smart devices.
You’ll soon discover that it's even poss
ible to use the app to
completely change how transmitters affect receivers, regardless of
the time/time of day or whether you’re at home or not (e.g. all
dimmers are capped to 50% brightness after 10 pm)
The aim is to minimise the number of manual adjustments you have to make in
the future.
All you have to do is to configure it once, then your smart home will have all
the information it needs. The MasterGate is the brain of your modern smart
home, take plenty of time to set it up.
What does a modern smart home require?
A modern smart home has to have a permanent and reliable connection to your
Wi-Fi router as well as an active internet connection. Please make sure these
connections are working, otherwise server requests (e.g. what time it gets dark)
will not be possible. An active internet connection is also required if you want
to access the device remotely.
What is the concept underpinning the intertechno MasterGate?
Up until now you've been living in an analogue world where making
dynamic changes to settings using your smart home was simply not
So far, intertechno products have employed
, i.e. transmitters are DIRECTLY connected to receivers.
Using this approach, the only way of modifying this link was by
removing it entirely or by resetting the devices; this meant that
scenario configurations and automation rules could not be set up.
We recommend using
decentralised intelligence
if you want to put
an extra light switch somewhere that it's impossible to build, for
The intertechno MasterGate relies on
central intelligence
in which all
communication between the devices goes through the Smart Home Hub. In
other words, all devices are directly linked to the intertechno MasterGate.